(no subject)

Jul 14, 2013 09:35

Wow, Dusk is super-annoying. Where does he get off holding a massive grudge against Valkyrie because of his scar? I mean, he's the one who started things when he tried to eat her, and not in the sense that women usually care for, so basically he has no right to get mad when she slices his face open. Certainly he doesn't still need to be whining about it six books later.

This is the problem with vampires today - too much whinging, not enough sacking up and killing people, or having failed to kill people, accepting the fact that sometimes failed exsanguination attempts get you STABBED IN THE FACE.

Christ. Billy-Ray got gutted and he made less of a fuss about it. Vampires are just fucking pussies.

Posted via m.livejournal.com.

vampires yay, skulduggery pleasant

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