(no subject)

Oct 06, 2004 17:30

My throat hurts. I think I'm starting with a cold. This displeases me.

Went to see Layer Cake with Anne-Marie yesterday; not as funny as the Guy Richie films by which it was clearly inspired (and had almost the exact same cast, too, except for Jason Statham, who Jonathan informs me is now "a proper actor who gets to be in actual American films") and while the level of violence is about the same, it's much more serious than the shoot-outs and boxing matches of the Lock, Stock universe. Couldn't help wincing during the scene with the teapot in the cafe.

Anyway, it was very good and has an amusing ending that I completely didn't see coming. Not sure that I'd actually buy it on DVD, but a fine way to pass the time.

Had a two-hour dissertation lecture today - the girl sitting next to me had RANCIDLY bad breath. Brush your teeth, damnit!

Still watching Kenshin: Poor Katsu. Felt so sorry for him during that scene where he's all, "I'll tend your wounds, Sanosuke!" and Sano starts muttering Kenshin's name, and Katsu's like, *heartbreak face*. Of course, I'm biased, since I'm a sucker for Captain Sagara, and I always get weepy over the Sekihoutai storylines.

Am forced to conceed that yes, the guy that does the voice for Chou the Swordhunter is indeed the same guy who voiced the Digimon Emperor. Actually he pops up quite a lot in Kenshin, as Sano's friend with the floopy fringe and smily eyes as well as various minor characters.

What exactly is the point of Iwambo? He's just a big fat stupid pink guy. Why is he one of the Juppongatana? Is Shishio on some kind of political correctness kick where he has to have a representative of big fat stupid pink guys? This annoys me.

On a more positive note: Sejiro Hiko! Squee! Excuse me while I fangirl shamelessly. I love his scenes with Kenshin; the abortive hug scene, the handing on of the white cape, the reminiscing about Kenshin wetting the bed, the scenes where he's all superdeformed and floating on a little cloud while Kenshin sulks in the background, and the scene where Kenshin goes on about there being something wrong with his master's personality.

And of course: "To live without any of those annoying social obligations, the life of an artist is ideal. And a true genius like me can accomplish anything he sets his mind to."

Siiiigh... they just don't come any cooler than him.

i am sick, guy ritchie, kenshin, digimon

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