(no subject)

Feb 07, 2013 00:31

I am trying to read the last Harry Potter book, but it's slow going because OH GOD I DON'T CARE.

I watched the (three? four? however many there were between the one where Cedric died and the last one where Neville kills a snake) movies I'd missed at a friends' over the weekend, and I'd forgotten massive chunks of the story, so I thought I would finally see how it ended and then maybe do a full reread, but now I remember why I stopped in the first place because THEY ARE ALL SO ANNOYING.

On the plus side, we also found a download for the entire series of the Weekenders, which is just as awesome as I remember and aside from afew references to Leonardo DiCaprio as a teen heartthrob, barely shows its age at all. So actually I think I may give tDeathly Hallows up as a bad job, and watch twelve year old.cartoons.instead. Later days!

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harry potter, weekenders

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