(no subject)

Dec 05, 2011 20:13

American Horror Story is definately improving - Zachary Quinto was awesome in the first installment of the Halloween two-parter. "Oh, but never fear, Count Chocula's here, to add some real class!" OH ZACHARY QUINTO. I wish he would narrate my whole life.

Glee, however, is a piece of shit. Even Idina Menzel's magnificent breasts and Puck's hilarious mohawk/cowlick hybrid can't save it. Finn outing Santana to the entire school and then having the nerve to give her a lecture on the importance of self-acceptance was absolutely disgusting, and what was worse is that instead of kicking him in the nards, she just took it. The only decent bit was Coach Bieste singing Jolene, and whatever, Coach Bieste isn't even a proper character. Also, there's something wrong with that Irish kid's face. I'm ready for everyone in Glee to die now.

halloween, glee, american horror story

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