(no subject)

Dec 25, 2009 21:25

Happy birthday, Jebus! I hope you are looking down on us and thinking that getting crucified so that we could open presents and eat too much food and fight with our relatives was totally worth it... but if you didn't, I wouldn't fault you.

Anyway, just finished the last of my shiny new 4400 books. Promises Broken was lovely (Yay Shawn! Yay Jordan! Yay Tom and Diana!) Welcome to Promise City was a boring badly-characterised suckfest that reads as though it was written by a thirteen year old who has yet to grasp the notion that you don't need to physically describe each character every time they make an appearance - I mean, I know what Joel Gretsch looks like, thanks - and the other two were about what I'd expect for published fanfiction, ie, okay, but needs either more porn or tighter writing. Preferably both, but I don't expect miracles.

4400, billy campbell, patrick flueger

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