(no subject)

Aug 09, 2009 23:28

Oh guys, am I the only one who finds the whole Lex/KC thing completely adorable? I don't mean as a pairing - although probably if KC had still been on the show when puberty hit, it would have gone that way - but the whole vibe the two of them have.

I love KC. I want to take him home and feed him cookies and then get mad when he steals my shitty Poundland batteries out of the utensil drawer. I like how he makes up random origin stories about growing up in a home or having an abusive dad or losing all his stuff in a fire purely to get his own way. I like the fact that after he helps save Dal and Sasha from slavery and the rioting starts, he stays around to nick stuff before heading back to the mall. I love the way he helps out Jack with the wind turbine after Dal leaves, and how he helps out after Jack breaks his leg, even though eventually he gets pissed off and ends up slipping Jack sleeping pills to keep him quiet. I like how he's portrayed as this just-out-for-himself Artful Dodger character, but he waits on at Ryan and Salene's honeymoon in Venice.

I love how he's ready to take the blame for stealing the water in Lex's place (I kind of a little bit hated Lex in that episode, but they didn't throw KC out for it, so that was okay) and how he goes to him after Zan takes him out of isolation in the mall. I love how he tries to look out for Zandra when Lex is busy dying from the Virus. I love how he climbs up to the balcony and kicks Top Hat in the nuts in that one episode, even though he's frightened to the point of tears. I love that bit at the end of season one where Lex says he and Zandra are leaving and KC wants to go with them, and Lex is all mean and sarcastic about it and KC looks utterly crushed. I love how, after Lex and Bray had their first knock-down drag-out, he insisted that Lex had won despite the overwhelming evidence to the contrary, and that he stormed out of the cafe when Ebony told him he was wrong, and how he's all proud and boasty after Lex rescues Alice from that (by the way, completely lame and unconvincing) collapsed barn.

I like how, when Lex is all drunk and crazy, KC keeps stopping by to keep him company, even though all that happens is that Lex yells at him a lot. I like how Lex steals all his gambling proceeds and KC still cuts him in on all his deals, and how he's totally gleeful when Lex says he'll take him fishing, even though it's a totally hollow promise. I like that bit where everyone keeps telling him to do something useful and then yelling at him for doing it wrong, and then he goes and asks Lex for a job and Lex tells him to "go steal me something," and then he goes off to do just that.

In short, I think KC is marvellous and lovely and there should totally be more love for him. That is all.

the tribe

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