(no subject)

Apr 13, 2009 01:34

Shark sucks. Like, to infinity and beyond. I was all ready to write it off as a lame ripoff of lame House only with lame lawyers, and then BILLY CAMPBELL showed up and I was like OMGJORDANILOVEYOU only then he turned out to be this incredibly horrifying serial killer (and seriously dudes, a serial killer has to be pretty horrifying before I'm horrified) and he didn't be at all awesome, he was just frightening and not in a good or awesome way AT ALL and it sucked.

Oh, and did I mention, it's pretty much House but with lawyers? Like Shark is House, and Blonde Boss is Cuddy, and Tiny Latino Dude is Cameron, and Whitey McWhiteBoy is Chase, and Bitchy Blonde is Bitchy Blonde (from the later seasons, I don't know her name because I lost interest during that storyline with the mean police dude that went on for like a thousand episodes) and Sasspirella is what would happen if you combined Foreman and Cameron into one person and Investigator Tall is Foreman and it's fucking lame, dudes. Also, Shark's real name isn't Shark, it's Stark, and every time someone uses it I keep hoping that he'll don a blinged-out flying suit and zoom away to fight some terrorists or whatever, but he doesn't because Shark is made from fail.

Seriously, dudes. What a waste of perfectly good Jordanbeard.

Anyway, now I am watching Queen of Swords and it's epic - Methos is this wee snarky doctor who steals apples and is snarky, and Kronos is this mean Colonel dude who steals all the peasants gold and is really snide about everything in a really English villain type way, only he has this random Spanish accent that comes and goes at random. There's a lame girl Zorro who is lame but whatever, this is really about Kronos stealin' gold and meening on people and Methos being snarky. Go watch!

4400, highlander, shark, house, queen of swords, billy campbell

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