Dudes. Dudes! Why are you not all watching the Wire now that the BBC has finally gotten its fucking retarded act together and started showing it on normal TV
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Oh my God, it is so awesome! It's been sitting on my shelves for about a year, neglected in favour of the Wire and Deadwood and yes, even Carnivale, but at last it's time has come again. And Vorenus! So cranky! About literally everything in the entire world. Like if you gave him a whore made out of chocolate-covered gold, he'd be cranky about her leaving chocolate smudges on his armour or something. And it's so bizarrely adorable! And it makes me want to hug him, but that would just make him cranky too! And then I'd have to hug him again!
Pullo is also super-huggable, but he doesn't suck you into an cranky-hugging-cranky loop so it's not the same.
James Purefoy is almost too beautiful to be allowed. When I first started watching it, my main impression was that it was Ickle Midshipman Blakeney surrounded by a lot of men in togas shouting incomprehensibly at each other, when suddenly! Mark Anthony appeared being smiley in a really intimidating way and talking about cutting off hands and nailing them to the senate door, and it was like the world came into focus.
They almost always are in HBO shows - I don't know if they're better funded or whatever, but I can't remember ever watching something from HBO and thinking "Oh my fucking God, that guy is a terrible actor, what the hell were they thinking?" WB shows, practically all the time. HBO, practically never.
Pullo is also super-huggable, but he doesn't suck you into an cranky-hugging-cranky loop so it's not the same.
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