(no subject)

Oct 12, 2008 17:58

You know what I don't get about the final season of the 4400? I mean, besides wondering why so many of you are losers who haven't seen it, of course. It's that big hard-on Kyle and Jordan have about Tom having to take Promicin. It's like they've failed to realise that even without it, Tom has already developed the ability to be so much more awesome than everybody. What can Promicin possibly do to top that? Also, STFU Kyle, how about you ask for the ability not to be fucking ugly instead of going around bitching at your dad and sleeping with Shawn's sloppy seconds twice in a row. Stealing his sugar-daddy was bad enough, but shacking up with the crazy whore who forced him to marry her and then put him in a coma? That's just tacky, man. Tacky.

On a related note, how obvious is it that Jordan's mission in life is to make all of the Baldwins his bitches? First Shawn, then Kyle, then after that whole disaster with PJ and the Game, he even starts hitting on Tom. Oh Jordan, I don't think Tom will be as taken with your Jesusbeard as the other two.

And although this has nothing to do with the 4400, I would just like to point out how much you all fail at life for not having alerted me to the awesomeness that is Tin Man. Seriously. Hang your heads in shame.

4400, tin man

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