(no subject)

Jun 03, 2004 23:35

Had my last exam today - went well until the final question, at which point I had a brief moment of insanity and told my imaginary client to "suck it up and stop goddamn whining". Which, now that I think about it, wasn't the smartest move I've ever made. If anyone asks, I'll blame the emotional trauma of Angel ending. Yep, that'll totally work.

Also saw Prisoner of Azkaban straight afterwards: could have used a lot more Malfoy, I think. Both of them, for preference. Like Draco's new hair, not keen on his new (super-girly) persona. Laughed at the 'bloody chicken' line. He's so squishy.

Was suprised by how much I like David Thwelis as Lupin, pleased that Gary Oldman lived up to my expectations as Sirius, gleefully enthusiastic about their on-screen chemistry together and slightly aroused by Lupin's transformation scene. Not to mention, extremely happy to see that the werewolfism as a metaphor for homosexuality came through intact. Sniff. Poor Lupin.

Scriptwise, there are some major flaws in the storytelling, to the point where an awful lot of stuff doesn't make sense unless you've read the books. The connection between the Marauder's map and Lupin, and the reason Harry's Patronus takes the form of a stag, not to mention almost the entire Animagus backstory is left out. Crookshanks has no significance. The part with Harry getting the Firebolt is different, but it fits and is acceptable.

Visually, the film is stunning, with absolutely superb set pieces. The CGI on Buckbeak is wonderful, though the Dementors are lacking in the scary department.

And for some reason, the music Lupin plays during the Bogart scene and when he leaves at the end is not on the soundtrack. Disrageous.

Oh, and Daniel Radcliffe still sucks.

david thwelis, draco is so squishy, harry potter, gary oldman, daniel radcliffe sucks, lupin likes jazz, angel

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