Bands. Those funny little plans, that never work out right.

May 22, 2008 08:50

I love how you can be wandering along with a vague future plan in your head one day, and the next everything has changed. A couple of days ago, the idea for the next year was that I would move out of where I'm living at the end of July, into somewhere a bit more central, smaller and nicer, and therefore more expensive. Then in January I would hope for another contract to follow on from the current one. And in the meantime I would do my best to pay off my loan.

Then, out of the blue, a friend said she was going to South-East Asia for three months in March. And now the plan is to pay off the loan, move home to my parents' house for a few months and save like the clappers, and then head off with her. Initial plans are to visit New Zealand for a few weeks in February, then meet up with my friend in March for 8 weeks or so in South-East Asia. And this whole idea has made me so happy. I absolutely love it. The nature of my job means that a few months out of the picture shouldn't have too much bearing on future prospects or plans, though I haven't mentioned my plans to the Dad-Like Boss as yet. Still though! Thailand! Laos! Vietnam! Cambodia! And I'll be travelling with someone who understands the benefits of travelling alone, which makes it less likely that I'll have to cut and run :)

At the moment, all plans are pretty damn tentative... the New Zealand idea might not get to happen at all, but the prospect of maundering around somewhere new for a while is overwhelmingly excellent. Anyone going to be in that part of the world early next year? I will do my best to meet up/ visit.

In other news, I've been deliciously sociable the last few days. There has been meet-ups, parties, dinners, lunches, exhibitions and whatnot. Today is a run up to Dublin to do some work-related stuff, then lunch with the John and then pretty much straight back down. The tragedy of today is that I won't have time to see Indiana Jones today. FORTUNE AND GLORY, KID! FORTUNE AND GLORY!!!!

(Now if only Iarnród Éireann would get their act together enough to realise that not providing WiFi on cross-country trains is just laziness on their part, pure and simple, and I could post this MoFo)

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