Chloe's making SO many friends tonight! [/sarcasm]

Jul 27, 2008 23:29

frontpagebyline: Hey, are you mad at me?
KingoftheWeevil: mad at you?
KingoftheWeevil: What for?
frontpagebyline: For not mentioning before - that I died. Was dead.
KingoftheWeevil: Ah.
KingoftheWeevil: Right.
frontpagebyline: Right. So, are you?
KingoftheWeevil: Well - that really depends.
KingoftheWeevil: What's it like, for you?
KingoftheWeevil: Being dead.
KingoftheWeevil: What's it like?
KingoftheWeevil: What do you see?
frontpagebyline: .....
KingoftheWeevil: Nothing, right?
frontpagebyline: Surprisingly, no one's ever asked me that.
KingoftheWeevil: there's nothing.
frontpagebyline: I can dish out the hard questions, I should be able to take 'em, right?
frontpagebyline: It's black. Not just black, but black, like the sort of black you can almost feel. And cold. And... very hard to describe, actually.
KingoftheWeevil: and you're all alone.
frontpagebyline: Absolutely.
KingoftheWeevil: yeah.
frontpagebyline: And can't move. I don't think I felt bound or anything, more as if... I didn't have limbs anymore. Or a body of any kind. Like I had become, I don't know, a single point in a vast empty universe.
KingoftheWeevil: now you're just trying to get poetic on me.
frontpagebyline: Hardly. Believe me, poetry is not my beat.
frontpagebyline: I'm just trying to be accurate.
KingoftheWeevil: Then yea - you're right. I am mad at you.
frontpagebyline: Why? I mean, just because you go around telling complete strangers about the times you died, does that mean I'm obligated to do the same?
KingoftheWeevil: You could have to me.
frontpagebyline: Well, I'd just met you, hadn't I? And you seemed to have enough on your mind.
KingoftheWeevil: One of those things being my death. Don't mean to sound like weak or anything, but you don't exactly find people with that particular "affliction" often
frontpagebyline: Seems to me that you find it in this town more often than one would expect.
KingoftheWeevil: But not like us. We're different, don't you get it?
frontpagebyline: Everyone here is different. But it's not like I can offer insight into your situation. I'm not the same. It wasn't my death.
frontpagebyline: What I mean to say is, I came back fine. Full bodily functions, no trouble sleeping except a few nightmares, fine.
KingoftheWeevil: No one comes back from death without trouble sleeping. You know what its like to be there. you understand because you can't forget it. And you never will. The dark. The cold. The isolation and the wondering if this is it. if this is going to be the end. if maybe this time you won't open your eyes...
frontpagebyline: Yes, all right, but those are just nightmares. I'm not waking up with blood on my hands.
KingoftheWeevil: Then maybe you should be a little bit more careful around me.
KingoftheWeevil: If you're that afraid.
frontpagebyline: Me? I'm not afraid of you. I've seen a lot worse than that, believe me.
KingoftheWeevil: You want to bet on that, chloe, you really want to bet on that?
frontpagebyline: Any day, Owen Harper.
KingoftheWeevil: Good. 'cause one day it won't be animal blood on my hands.
frontpagebyline: Don't get dramatic on me. You said you had your friends to help you deal with it.
KingoftheWeevil: right. hmph. like they've ever done anything that's helped me before.
frontpagebyline: That's hardly what you were saying the other night. Then again, you didn't seem like such a whiner the other night, either. Too much coffee?
KingoftheWeevil: Well then. Didn't take long, did itttt
KingoftheWeevil: .
KingoftheWeevil: Ah, shit, Chloe.
KingoftheWeevil: I think I better go.
frontpagebyline: What? What didn't take long?
KingoftheWeevil: Just forget it.
frontpagebyline: No, seriously, what's going on?
KingoftheWeevil: Bad things.
KingoftheWeevil: Just - look, I have to go.
frontpagebyline: Go do what? Threaten somebody else? I'd rather you stick with threatening me, I can take it better than most.
KingoftheWeevil: No! Jesus Christ, Chloe, stop being a reporter for one bloody minute!
frontpagebyline: I'm not being a goddamn reporter, okay? I'm being me, talking to you, to wit, what the hell?
KingoftheWeevil: It's getting stronger than me.
frontpagebyline: Wait, what? You mean, the whiny bitch part, that was... it?
KingoftheWeevil: dont...
KingoftheWeevil: Don't say things like that.
KingoftheWeevil: It's true but it's not helping.
KingoftheWeevil: Just stay away from me until i get rid of it.
KingoftheWeevil: (somehow)
frontpagebyline: Fine, okay. I understand, I'd be freaked out too. But I want to help you. I don't mind admitting I haven't got the first clue how, but we'll come up with something.
KingoftheWeevil: Yeah. Sure we will.
frontpagebyline: I sense doubt.
KingoftheWeevil: Can you blame me?
frontpagebyline: Maybe not, but doubting handicaps you. You may as well dip your feet in cement right before running a race. Visualize success, and all that other good Seven Habits stuff.
KingoftheWeevil: Neer believed in all that touchy feely stuff.
KingoftheWeevil: I think I need to leave.
KingoftheWeevil: Before things start to happen again.
frontpagebyline: It's not touchy feely. It sounds silly, but it's legit.
frontpagebyline: All right. Just be careful, okay?
KingoftheWeevil: Right. You follow it, then.
frontpagebyline: I do. How do you think I've lasted this long?
KingoftheWeevil: Tits.
frontpagebyline: Trust me, those don't help as much as you'd think.
KingoftheWeevil: I think you're underestimating their power.
frontpagebyline: Give me a sec, let me think if there's been a single time those have saved me from certain doom. Nope, none. Though they do open doors sometimes.
frontpagebyline: But when it comes to mortal peril, friends are more helpful. One friend in particular.
KingoftheWeevil: Yeah. Who might that be?
frontpagebyline: Just a friend of mine. Clark. He's got a way of being there when people need him.
KingoftheWeevil: yea, we got someone like that back home. Well - he's here, actually.
KingoftheWeevil: But that's all you get from me.
frontpagebyline: Oh?
KingoftheWeevil: Yeah - go and do your...reporting things.
KingoftheWeevil: I need to rest.
frontpagebyline: You know better than that, by now. You've got me curious. But I can wait.
frontpagebyline: Talk to you soon. All right? Take it easy.
KingoftheWeevil: Night Chloe.
KingoftheWeevil: Sorry for - yeah.
frontpagebyline: Me too. Night.
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