somno divinum

Apr 02, 2006 15:24


Ay, mes enfants, I realize that I've been quite aloof (absent, even) lately, but I've been quite the busy one, and what's more, this won't even be a proper update either as I've just concluded a marathon hosting session, about which I will speak, at length later; you see, at the moment, it's half-past-three-in Madrid, and it's a wildly beautiful day, and my room is clean, the sheets on my bed are fresh, the window has been open since morning, and the shades are drawn in just the right way, making my tiny abode this shade of soft yellow that could not possibly be more ideal for settling down and taking a nap ("a nap," in this case meaning "a sleep that will last until I feel completely rested because I've averaged less than four hours of sleep during each night of the past week due to a failure of an experiment in trying to set my body rhythm to normal hours.") So, two things before I settle down and sleep while soft rays of sunlight play across my cheeks and nose:

1) Until I return from Paris, I want no more guests. Yes, I leave Wednesday, but still, I'm making it clear, because this last guest came with but one day's notice. I'm busy, I'm exhausted, I've got tons to do - really, no bloody more, not till atleast latest April or early May. And post-then, none also: second partials are nigh!

2) Ask me anything you want. I've never done this "meme", but many others have, and I've kind of always been vaguely interested in trying it out. So is that - ask me anything, anything at all, any question to which you'd care to have an answer from my person. No worries about withholding - the comments will be screened. Noblesse oblige and delicacy permitting, I'll answer.

Right - afternoon crepuscule of my consciousness awaits.

(...How curious - LiveJournal now has a "Current Location" entry space, as well as "Music", "Mood" and "Tags"? I can't decide if that's cool or pompous...I think I'll withhold from using it yet.)

meme, livejournal, guests, sleep

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