
Mar 10, 2006 13:52


Excellencies! It is my most sincere pleasure to announce that, as of two days prior, the long exam season of 2006 formally concluded, having lasted nearly two months, averaging an exam every ten days.

We did not enjoy, but the latest results show that, despite this fact, we did remarkably well. In celebratory commemoration of this and the sweet taste of liberty, however abridged it may be (depending on things, I may already have to resume exam preparations by the time I get back from Paris, for which I must absolutely positively buy tickets next week or die), we propose - a game!

Or rather, a revival of sorts; it has been nearly half a year, and so it is high time to bring back the joys of the movie game of the past August. The rules are as follows, conserved exactly as they were in the summer: from the stills shown below, identify as many of the movies as possible. Looking through livejournal or facebook interests will prove pointless, as I've purged the pertinent information;  googling will be considered cheating, and you'll have to deal with violating the honour code of your own morality and being less of a person for it. So don't. Also: some of the stills aren't of the greatest quality, but one can certainly discern the images contained therein, so everyone has a fighting shot. Ergo,  everyone, I repeat, everyone (even those who don't normally play a part in this venerated forum), is expected to make atleast an effort, though even I shall admit that it is difficult, and there are certain films on the list that I expect none shall guess. Nonetheless, display your prowess, ye humble mortals...without further ado:

1. "Conversation, like certain portions of the anatomy, always runs more smoothly when lubricated."

2. "Anne Frank. Anne Frank. The soldiers are gone. Come out and play."

3. "I'll stop that car, and I won't use my thumb!"

4. "Mon General!"

5. "Same person. No difference at all... just a different sex."

6. "...Marathon dancing doop dee doop / Vaudou Cancan balais taboo..."

7. "You are not a human being, Lola. You are an epidemic."

8. "A riot is an ungly thing... undt, I tink, that it is chust about time ve had vun."

9. Wendy: Xavier's gone to school. Okay? / Xavier's Mother: Ah, oui! Il est à la fac. / Wendy: What? / Xavier's Mother: La fac! / Wendy: LA "FUCK"?

10. "Mawage. Mawage is wot bwings us togeder tooday. Mawage, that bwessed awangment, that dweam wifin a dweam..."

11. "I'm not getting shot out of that thing. What if he's masturbating? I'm liable to end up on the ceiling."


13. Cop: What's going on? / Pepa: Nothing. Just discussing the lady's dress. / Candela: [in tears] It's awful! / Carlos: It's only a dress. / Candela: But it's awful!

14. "Hey, blimpo... too many Twinkies."

15. Catherine: I'm sure she was sharpening a knife! / Augustine: You liar! I was holding my mother-of-pearl comb and cleaning it. / Gaby: At 3:00 am? / Augustine: Combs never sleep!

16. "Rhino milk is very nourishing."

Bonus: "Where do you want to take the shot? In the hand or the foot?"

All right kids - the responses will be screened, and the winners will be announced later on this week. Luck to everyone.
Note: LiveJournal is being evil and not allowing me to lj-cut this, so...pardon the enormity. It's frustrating, but no time to toil with it now. Later: Still doesn't work, and what's more, the comments are having to be manually screened. Crap, I say. And what's more, I had forgotten still 17, so I'll include it as a bonus, though it's a fairly well known work. Luck, again.

games, exams, films

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