air hostess, i love the way you dress

Dec 11, 2005 22:13


It is summarily good to be back, even though I'm exhausted. Still, things work out, don't they?

I got up pre-dawn on Saturday to work on Maria's gift, and mail stuff out when the post opened, and then retire at noon and sleep till five and begin packing round eleven and cleaning my room round one and actually getting to finishing Maria's gift

(Maria had been asking me to draw something for her for ages, but she mentioned some months ago that she hated conventional portraits of herself [her brother has painted twosuch works]; taking some inspiration from the Regina drawing {August '03} & the more recent JDB drawing {August '05}, I made her, in effect, an anti-portrait. This was how it looked, unfinished, round 4 a.m. [Madrid time] of this morning.) (And, yep, it’s all a single, unbroken line, head and torso-wise concerned.)

between 4 and 5 and 6ish, and then ironing and final packing and breakfasting-which-was-actually-dinner-ing before giving a quick kiss goodbye and heading out into the half-deserted streets, past muttering retreats, and down into the depths of the Metro, where Ironic played softly in the hallways and the route had 70's trains of orange-brownish paint that took us to a line that took us to a line that took us to the airport which was crowded, hectic, panicked and generally mad though, in effect, I did actually notice a violently attractive/hip flight stewardess in the terminal, and I would really rather fly that airline, with its color-coordinated coats heels hats scarves blouses miniskirts stockings in funnily flashy patterns of the 1960's (she looked like a Catch Me If You Can extra, in purple and red.) And that was all grand. A fellow tried to sneak a knife with a ten-inch blade past the security check point and, after confiscating the device, the guards merely shrugged him off and pointed him on his way - apparently he really was harmless, a provincial simpleton who was carrying a large chunk of cured ham in his bag, and wished to cut slices for tasting during the flight. And that was grand, too. Then flight flight flight and pass pass out (several days of poor sleep and one night of none at all) between the loud woman in the seat behind me and the crying baby across the aisle.) I was excessively pleasant and polite to everyone, even though I wanted the woman behind me shot (it drives me insane when, besides being loud, one also pronounces "the" as "duh") and my enmity towards the child was directed fiercely at its idiotic parents, though even then, irrationally, I was really irritated by the fact that the baby would stop crying suddenly when they would offer it toys. I caught myself thinking "Hypocrite!" in my mind, and I made an effort to recognize that exhaustion was catching up to me...still, really, what a terribly ingenuine tot. And then long flight and landing and sneaking past customs with contraband and coming home and discovering that the Gables has not yet completely recovered from whichever past hurricane was the most recent and that my house continues to evolve in my absence and that by proxy we've new sets of strange appliances that I do not recognize and there are more children in the house than in the three years prior to this presently ending one. And while flagrant disregard for the rules of grammar and sentence structure and run-on's in general are terribly fun my exhaustion begins to negate the pleasure so I really really really do think I really really shall really quite retire right now, good night.

Oh but things really do work out in that even with so many people in the house and even though there really isn't a reason in the world for it, inexplicably I am once again the sole master of my domain, and in effect I have taken a over a room that just yesterday was shared by two, and is now inhabited only by my person, by the grace of god amen, and already with the Fischer-Price record player blasting away, a la Robin. And that's really quite nice. And I'll be here until the ninth of January as I think the spontaneous apparition and disapparition bit has gone far enough really and it is far more convenient in terms of setting up appointments if those concerned actually know the dates of stay before setting up festivities that you can't possibly attend because at that particular moment you shall be quite efficiently on the other side of the ocean yes yes what what good night.

P.S. I missed school the Thursday before last and classes were cancelled this week and I'm already here already effectively meaning that, in effect, I will have attended but one day of class during the entirety of this month. Smashing, indeed, good night.

deadlines, art, airplanes, winter break, miami, madrid

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