Feb 26, 2007 21:30
I'm not afraid to go the lonely road and admit that I loved the Oscar show last night. I thought Ellen was great - most of the little montages were fun and I was happy with the very predictable big wins. Plus John C. Rielly sang - I mean, that's pretty great right?
Granted I was in another room for many of the speeches - I just like watching the presenters some out all dolled up and try to act professional when we know there is serious boozing going down - why would they need so many seat fillers if otherwise?
Favourite Oscar dress was by far Abigail Breslin. The girl looked like a dreamy cupcake with sugar flowers and marzipan lace - she was so darling throughout the show.
Still, no matter how much fun it was to see everyone looking so pretty and being so happy - four hours is way.too.long.