May 26, 2009 18:32
Uuuuuhhhh, I haven't even been back in Davis for a day and I'm all sweeeaaaty. :[
In addition to sleeping in a bedroom and enjoying parent-paid air conditioning, I had lots of fun this weekend.
I subbed for Michelley's classes, which was a nice reminder that HEY I CAN TEACH, GUYS. It was super cute, one of the girls asked if I'd be teaching a workshop this summer, and I mentioned that it was a possibility (no promises), and they all said they'd take it! :D I was kind of a scatterbrain because I had come straight from the train, and I forgot my tap shoes, so Evangeline wore her high heeled taps (SO CUTE) and I borrowed hers, but the classes were fine. We also maybe got her NSYNC CD stuck in the CD player and now that's all it'll play SORRYYYYY GUYS
Saturday I redyed my hair in time for Michelle's graduation party, which was fun and I did that thing I always do, clinging to the people I know, but at least this time there were some! We toasted Meesh, and someone called for her to give a speech. Michelle being Michelle, she shook her head and ran away. Then someone yelled, "Didn't you major in communications?"
Fanime was...boring. Which is sad. I knew it was a scene that I was over, but what's usually fun is seeing people, and even though I saw everyone, I guess I didn't see much of them? Oh, well, means I won't be missing much next year WHEN I'M IN SCOTLAND.
Oh, except for two guys dressed up as Pikachu and Charmander who performed a dance to the Pokemon theme song. THAT WAS AMAZING. ALSO, THE ENTIRE AUDIENCE SANG ALONG. AMAZING.
My only regret? My hair looked fantastic, and there aren't any pictures. Boo.
Sunday I went to a picnic! I've always wanted to ride the paddleboats that they have on Almaden Lake and I finally did it! It was fantastic, but I got sunburnt.
AND THEN I SAW STAR TREKKKKK OMG. IT WAS INCREDIBLE. The best part was sitting next my dad, who's a hardcore Trek fan, and watching him fanboy. He said the best part was watching me fangirl. ;D
Monday I was forced to sing Beastie Boys on Guitar Hero, because apparently it's hilarious. MCA's in the back cuz he's sleepin' with a whoo-ore! And then Blondie, because apparently it's adorable. I'm gonna getcha, getcha, getcha, getcha, getcha!
ucd 2.3