Mar 18, 2009 15:50
My hard drive died. It's dead. D-E-D dead.
My 13-page term paper, that I spent all weekend working on? Gone. Completely. Mostly because I'm an idiot and didn't back it up.
My dad (who was fantastic about calming me down, but still) told me it's a learning experience. Well, it's a shitty one. Though I suppose they all are.
Oh, but this story has more than a silver lining, it's silver all over! Because that paper I lost? I REWROTE THE ENTIRE THING IN A DAY.
Yes, I'm amazing. Also, I used up all of my stress and adrenaline yesterday, so now instead of studying like a madwoman for my IR test, I've been all floaty. In my head. It's niiiiiice.
ucd 2.2,
majoring in old dead dudes