10 Scifi ships I love

Jul 19, 2010 22:44

Picspam is for scifiland challenge.

Here are 10 Scify Ship's I love picspam.

Chloe and Oliver from Smallville.
Chloe: You were living like you had a death wish, Oliver. You had to face your demons if you were ever going to make it out alive. And I had to push you over the ledge in order to pull you back.
Oliver: Did you have to push with a 3-ton truck?
Chloe: I didn't think a tricycle would be a strong enough point.
Oliver: You saved my life, Chloe. Both the myth... and the man.

Alice and Hatter from Alice miniseries.
Hatter: oh that feels good. but better save that until we are safe.
Alice: I am sorry i didn't trust you.
Hatter: Do you trust me now?
Alice: Completely.

The Eleventh Doctor and Amy Pond from Doctor Who.
The Doctor: Amy Pond. Mad, impossible Amy Pond, I don't know how I didn't realize, but possibly the most important thing in the universe is that I get you sorted out right now.
Amy Pond: That's what I've been trying to tell you!

Helo and Athena from Battlestar Galactica.
Helo: I'm not a traitor. I love my people. I love this ship. Besides you, the first thing I want to see on any morning is the lights of that CIC. But I did what I thought was right. If it was a mistake, fine, I can live with that. It's you I can't live without.
Sharon: I'll always love you, Helo.

Topher and Bennett from Dollhouse.
Topher: Then maybe we could work on the one memory I'd like to erase. Bennett... I'm so sorry I hit you. I didn't want to. God, how I didn't want to.
Bennett: Well, I was trying to kill your Active at the time.
Topher: Eh. You had your reasons. Still... that face. Slugging it. Not my first instinct.
Bennett: Oh, I didn't think it was.
Topher: Some form of contact, but not...
Bennett: [They go in closer to almost kiss but then] Who's on that wedge?
Topher: Huh?

Sylar and Elle from Heroes.
Sylar: You saved my life once, Elle - gave me the will to live. Don't you see I owe you?
Elle: [slowly] I only saved you so we could use you, like a lab rat.
Sylar: You were just following orders... But I forgive you. Now you need to forgive yourself.

John and Cameron from Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles.
John: What's going on?Cameron: You need to understand how it works.John: What?Cameron: This chip. This body. The software is designed to terminate humans. The hardware is designed to terminate humans. That's our sole function.John: Not you.Cameron: No, not anymore, but what was there is still there, and will always be there.John: So down deep, you want to kill me?Cameron: Yes. I do.John: Then why don't you?Cameron: I might someday.

Alec and Max from Dark Angel.
Max: "Guess we're just gonna have to get their attention, then."
Alec: "Please tell me you're gonna get naked."

Simon and Kaylee from Firefly
Simon: In all that time on the ship... I've always regretted... not being with you.
Kaylee: With me? You mean to say... as in sex?
Simon: I mean to say.
Kaylee: To Hell with this. I'm gonna live!

Lisa and Joshua from V.
Lisa: "You're very brave, Joshua." Joshua: "Thank you, my queen." 

show: doctor who, show: dark angel, show: v, show: alice, show: terminator:sarah connor chronicles, show: firefly, type:picspam, show: dollhouse, show: heroes, maker:dhfreak, show: smallville

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