I feel like my manager Brittney hates me at work. Everytime she is the
manager is when we get more customers than usual, and that means more
dishwashing for me, which means I get out later. So basically I think
she thinks I suck.
Lately it seems like I haven't had much time for myself. I don't
think I have sat on my couch in over a week. Wierd. It seems like I
work all the time. Nope.
Poor Brady's car.
I think I've lost the motivation to go on that roadtrip, considering nobody else wants to go. Summer=bad.
Nobody really wants to be my friend anymore. But it's okay. Less
friends is a good thing. Me and Tyler are rebuilding our friendship.I
want to be better friends with some people.
This is Trace Linder's 1st grade picture.