Feb 06, 2009 08:07
I'm in a hospital bed, in a room completely alone... i roll over to one side to face the fall, and eventually tun back over to see a woman in the other bed now, wearing an intensely purple night gown/pajamas. she's middle aged. blonde curly hair. However as soon as i notice her, my body jump cuts. this is important to note, because my dreams normally either begin or end or i don't remember how they connect. this was 100% a jump BECAUSE i noticed this woman.
I'm immediately placed in a chair, in a store, and my cat belfour (who was put to sleep a few years ago) is on my lap. for some reason he won't get off, and has dug his claws into my jeans (which he was declawed his entire life) i finally get him off and notice there is a leash coming out of the bottom of my jeans. it's the same red as his collar always was. i reach don and tug at it, and notice it is stitched into the inner seam of my jean. once i get him off... i start to realize it's a dream... so i get up and head into what i believe is the grocery store.. i walk thru the dairy and eggs eisle, cause for some reason i decided that i really wanted to try and drink something in my dream life... however, the further i walk down this eisle, it turns into a hardware store. once i get to the lumber section, julia fish is there talking about what she read that day in the new york times... i walk back to the register, and a girl i must have known but don't remember was working the register, and as i check out, she yells at me "you don't have your god damn customer card?!"
and around here i wake up... or so i thought. it tuns out now that i'm concious i actually awoke from a dream in another dream, so the remainder of the dream is very fuzzy. however, i knew i needed to tell people about this dream so i could remember it, so i told as many people as i could find.. but went on with my day... i ended up in an apartment of a "friend" who was cooking for his kids. chris ferrari was there too. My friend (who i don't remember except his resemblance to dan akroyd via 1981, there for i will refer to him as dan from here on out) Dan just got a financial backer to open a restaurant, but one of his consultants came to him and told him he needed to rewrk al his sandwiches, because he only used process cheeses that included other strange ingredients. He was really stressed out cause he didn't know how to use real cheese for his sandwiches. at this point, i turn to tell chris my dream, and notice i for some reason have a few sketches of him in my dream diary. it's fuzzy what happens for here, but i think i tell them i need to go to work... at this point i'm walking down a sidewalk, and decide i'm going to leave my bag and portfolio in a parking space... which makes absolutlty no sense. thankfully i realize this, and instead walk thru a feced off back yard as a short cut to my office, and think about leaving my extra stuff there, and do... then walk thru the halls of this building i thought was a factory... once i get outside of the building.... i realize that leaving my stuff in a field is a bad idea too... so i walk BACK ito the building... only to notice this time it's a skool, and several middle aged women are walking around with velvet bike helmets on... and this is where i wake up...