Conservative... FTW. FTmajorityW!

May 02, 2011 23:31

I am going to vow right now to rise above the bitching on Facebook.

Canada elected a majority government for the first time in seven years. I am proud of you, Canada, for being decisive, for bringing this country stability. For demolishing the Bloc Quebecois. Possibly for getting out the youth vote, with the surge in the NDP (written before any voter turnout stats come in).

I speak no words of disrespect against the Liberals or NDP. In fact, I am rather proud and impressed with the NDP hammer than came down tonight; I will enjoy seeing Layton show his leadership chops over the next four years. I simply prefer to cast my ballot with a party whose platform sits well with me, socially and fiscally. Isn't it simply a matter of picking the party that you agree with the most?

I made my choice and you made yours. I encourage healthy debate, and I love the voter engagement demonstrated on Facebook tonight... so unless you start getting personal, I will not take your bait.
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