Dec 22, 2011 06:31
All ya monks representing nothingness
showing us up with your emptying routines
claiming no passions in which to live your life
yet so passionately filled is the life you walk.
It's mysterious the way that my mind starts to wander
questioning with enquiry as to why and to what
is it all about?
Live life for me and what i feel i've love?
Or lust after a life selflessly centred on everything else..
you Yogi's stretching past the limits
bending your brains around multidimensional spaces
located and reiterating wisdom in speeches
offered freely through your movements
so motion me over and teach a word or two
I'd love to learn to be tolerant
flexible around layman’s ignorance
arrogant and extravagant
daring in my dance boldly boasting
waiting to see which man will listen
I'll call you out and break you down
draw a crowd and raise a rouse!
Once you hear anger from these lips spit
poison like venom
I'll slither my voice in and out of your heads
and once I've struck your heart with my fangs
i'll open my arms and surround you
engulf you in my embrace of tender soft touching love
From this point of lower vibration
scared and afraid rampaging laziness will overtake
you in your entirety
it is here that you will learn to crawl
mozi about until you begin to walk
slip and slide your stride with a strut
learn to stand on your own for once
and my words of poison which turned you to rubble
will raise you higher than this concrete jungle
so be warry of the words whispered your way
for some seem poison some seem freeing
remember my name and my face when you reach the top
it was out of your passions for spite you became what you are
are you now better than that which demeaned you?
Are not your actions your response?
So was my discomforting attitude towards you
such a bad thing in the end?
If not for me, where would you be my friend?
poem meditation speech call to arms