Wow I've grown sophisticated haha!Anyways, yesterday I started to play PoupéeGirl ( and my name is VanillaSky (feel more than free to add me)
So I had to take a picture of something (clothes or accessory) and I chose my cherry necklace :D! Then I did two pretty pictures of it but I could upload only one. Still, I'll show you both hurray \o/
Here's the one I put on Pupe;
and here's the other one;
I am so proud of my display LOL! I also made cupcakes yesterday and they kinda fit since they are pink&red LOL!
Cherry & Vanilla cake + Cherry & Vanilla glaze (home made by me~) + Cherry on top \o/
They.are.fucking.awesome. I love pink&red as much as red&white or black&red. I think I love red haha!
Well, that's all. I'm going back on Pupe :D!