I got this order Monday the 13th. I purchased it during the 50% sale off. In spite of costing 140$ It cost only 70$ and I did not get hit by custom fees which is awesome :D!
So lets start this with the Ace of Spade Necklace (which is no longer on BL's website .__.);
As some of you will notice, I altered it and I forgot to take a picture of what it was like before. Basically, I just took off two of the hanging charms because I didn't like them. Otherwise, I think this necklace is super pretty! It's well made and not too heavy neither.
Black ruffle bloomers (PAN028);
I LOVE these *w*! I didn't know what to expect out of 'em but they are lovely! They fit so right and yes they give poof to skirts. I must admit the lace isn't super duper soft but it's not scratchy at least. They also come with a detachable bow;
I would say these bloomers are very comfortable but they're kinda short. Real short :| (or maybe my legs are too tall compare to asian' ones LOL)
Red Strawberry bag (BAG096);
Tadaaah! Yeah I wanted this one since quite a while now. Well I'm not disappointed. It's so cute and well done~ The strap is pretty long, which I love. Oh and for those who don't know this yet, there is a little annoying bell on the side of the purse;
It's very cute... but I took it off as soon as I got it haha XD! Uhm I will buy the pink one too eventually. I love this bag so much~
Last but not least, Pink Strawberry JSK (L047);
It's so sweet and cuteee :DD! I love the fabric! As for the design of the dress, it's the exact same as the Tea Party dress (and you can find my review right here;
http://fromsofietofame.livejournal.com/15717.html) So I don't have anything else to add actually...this dress is fabulous. Here's the back of it (on which I took off the lace LOL);
And once again the detachable bow;
Et voila~
Aureh & Caro bought this vest (P127);
http://www.bodyline.co.jp/bodyline/photos/p127-2.jpgIt's really pretty too but the fabric looks rather thin .__. I was expecting a thicker fabric since it's a vest. Other than that it seems perfect :D!
Aureh also got this mini hat (ACC129);
http://www.bodyline.co.jp/bodyline/photos/acc129-2.jpg and this necklace (ACCESSORY936);
http://www.bodyline.co.jp/bodyline/photos/accessory936-2.jpg Both of these items are lovely and good quality! Now if you have any question on any of this, feel free to ask :DD!