remember the days

Mar 03, 2007 12:13

I find it very interesting that my experiences are very un original. There are thousands of churches around the world with thousands of people inside of them all having the exact same experience I had and coming away with totally different lessons.

I was just looking on myspace and saw someone I met at my brief stint at Heartland and I remember what I felt when I looked at there pictures.  It was like looking in a mirror. There laughing small group was my laughing small group. I saw my corem deo and my fall retreat. I saw my scwables with leaders and so on and on forth.

I thought about individuals who made my time there memorable. I wish I knew where some of those people were now. I wish they wished the same thing. I wish they would have kept contact...I wish I wasn’t to timid at that time to.

When it comes all down to it the people I keep contact with is good ol’ 242 crowd. Which seems funny to me. I spent two years at both ministries but the last one is the one that stuck.

Why is that I wonder...

Is it because cc didn’t SUITE me? Or was cc a stepping stone for what I would become...

In many ways I think that Cross Current was my young lust.  She was my summer romance that started in a fire and ended in a flicker.  It took me by storm and as much as I may complain now about the “charismatic movement” in general it was memorable and not all bad either...actually I only have very few bad memories of the actual place and people. And when I left to me it wasn’t sudden...but I didn’t say much about it to anyone but Angie and dan...I just kind of slid out the front door just like I had come in. It was fast, it was loud it was A-maz-ing...but for one reason or another it wasn’t my home (ultimately anyway).

I think under different circumstances I would still be in contact with those individuals. God knows what they think or if they think of me at all. I come across a few people from that time here and there...mostly people who have left. The last time I talked to someone from CC who hadn’t gone on to do something else was Travis at RMC graduation and Angie at blockbuster.

A few of the people I ran across are a bit worn down by life. They made a little mistake with not so little consequences. But others I have ran back into have made something beautiful out of there lives. I wont name the person I am thinking of but the person I am thinking of has turned her life around. She has done with her life what no one else could have gotten her to do. It wasn’t a ministry that did it either it was her and God....

I think the capper to everything the last hoorah that I really miss is next generation.  But that world was a wheels that weren’t really for training...Sometimes I have to remind myself of that so I don’t get to sad at not being in that place of my life anymore.

It just goes to show there are no such thing as a formulas when it comes to life.
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