Feb 13, 2007 18:34
Oh cradle, oh campfire tunes every now and then I manage to watch this hilarious fashion soapie show on channel 7. It runs from 11.00 to 12.00 every weekday morning. It involves models and fashion designers vs. bold and the beautiful type dramarama. It is pretty good. However, I do not find the parts that demonstrate garment design and method to be very accurate. But I am allowed to state my disapproval as that is my 'area of expertise' AKA what I am studying. Also, I have a great new lecturer at Tafe who was taught by Marc Jacobs in New York. So anyway, today I spent the day preparing and setting up for my debut exhibition. Kate and I gave ourselves high-5s and Chicken Treat once we had finished as a reward for a job well done. I am excited for tomorrow night and also for the following day, because that means that I can start to think about other things to start thinking about doing and also Jenny Wilson.