YOU say GOODBYE, and I say HELLO

Dec 09, 2008 21:58

"I am he,
as you are he,
as you are me,
and we are all together"

If one were to mirror the words LONELY HEARTS on the cover of the Beatles Sgt. Pepper album, one would see the following:


or broken down...

I ONE = 11

IX = 9

So, in European parlance, we have 9/11 HE DIE, with a DIAMOND pointing up, directly at the blue-suited Paul.

Now, I'm not going to waste your time with the HOURS UPON HOURS of evidence indicating that something strange has been going on with Paul McCartney since at least September 11, 1966.

I will mention however, that there are lots of people who believe that the original James Paul McCartney died in a car crash on 9/11/66, and was replaced in time for the "Penny Lane" single, which was released on February 17,1967.

There are others who believe that James Paul McCartney did NOT die, but was replaced at this same time, for other reasons.  It gets very, very complicated, and can entail cloning, reincarnation, the Tavistock institute, MI6, Venus, Aleister Crowley (who is on the Pepper cover, btw), the solar deities (Horus, Apollo, Jesus, etc), Lucifer, ancient Egypt (Beetle = Scarab), and much, much, more.  Regardless of the specific details, though, just understand that the PWR (Paul Was Replaced) crowd believes that the original James Paul McCartney AND his replacement(s) have been playing the role of Paul McCartney since 9/11/66.

So as I said, there are theories, and there are theories, within theories, within theories, and it can all get a bit out of hand if one tries to absorb it all in one sitting (or in one month, for that matter).  In fact, the phrase "a mystery wrapped in an enigma" could have been invented specifically to describe the PWR phenomenon. With that in mind, I'm going to dip the newcomer's toe into the shallow end of this pool with a few easy to digest physical clues indicating that there may have been multiple Paul McCartneys, and you, the reader, will be left to make of it what you will.


On November 16, 1979, Paul McCartney released a Christmas single titled "Wonderful Christmas Time".  There's a very brief moment in the video where two Paul McCartneys find themselves face to face with one another, and damned if it doesn't appear as if one of them is wearing the face that he keeps in a jar by the door.  You'd never even really notice it without the ability to pause, rewind, play, pause, rewind, play again, etc, but that's what Youtube is for, isn't it?

Here's a still of the "money shot" that I pulled from the video.  Pay special attention to the nose, ears, and sideburns.

And to put the still into context, watch the video below.  The 2-Paul sequence begins at around 1:54.

image Click to view

I think it's pretty obvious that one of the following is going on:

1. These are two different, although remarkably similar looking people.

2. The "Paul" on the right is wearing prosthetics in order to appear *almost* exactly like the "Paul" on the left.

3. The "Paul" on the right is a 1979 version of a special effect.  What I mean is that he's really the same person as the "Paul" on the left, but for some weird reason, his appearance has been doctored to make him look slightly "off" (the nose, ear, and sideburns).

I submit to you that all of these possibilities beg one question.


Why not just use a special effect to insert the "real Paul" opposite himself?  After all, they're only on screen together for THREE seconds, and again, I don't think there were too many people taping this video in 1979 and meticulously going over every second of it in order to spot the subtle differences between the two Pauls.

This is, very simply, a very strange sequence to have included in this video.  To me, it smacks of someone who's pulled the wool over everyone's eyes and has been getting away with it for so long that he's gotten brazen enough to just hide the deception right out there in plain sight.  He's messing with us.  After all, nobody's going to notice, and even if someone DOES notice, 29 years later, they'll just seem crazy if they try to point it out.  I mean, c'mon, this is Paul freaking McCartney we're talking about here!

I DO realize that this is a hard pill to swallow, and I'm not here to twist anyone's arm.  Believe what you want to believe, but I submit to you that at the very least, there has been some VERY strange stuff going on with not only Paul McCartney, but the Beatles as a whole, and they've gone to an awful lot of trouble to leave a breadcrumb trail of clues in all of their work from 1967 through the present day.  This particular glass onion is something that you'll need to peel slowly, and on your own.  I think that if you put in some time though, you'll find that the layers of this onion might just turn out to be the "kaleidoscope eyes" that Lennon told us about in "Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds", and the world may never look the same to you again.

If you find yourself intrigued by the notion that one of the most talented and instantly recognizable human beings of the past 100 years could have been replaced, then you should pay a visit to the splendid NOTHING IS REAL forum.

If, on the other hand, you find this idea completely ridiculous, well...then pretend you never met me and step away from the blog slowly...

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