calm day

Mar 29, 2005 19:40

today was not super eventful.  had to put out a few fires at work.  looking forward to going to boston soon for the weekend and to see the red sox vs. yankees home opener @ fenway on april 11th.  decided it was the perfect excuse to get out of knoxville and to take a few days off from work!  plus, since i was moving in here during the playoffs and had to miss seeing some games in person... i figure i owe it to myself!  man, i miss the north.  there are just too many conservatives down here, it makes me sweat! (and not in a good, hot, sexual kind of way... let's just say that bush won in knox county 75% to kerry's 25% - nuff said) there is just not much to do here in terms of 'culture' - but since my gf lives in myrtle beach right now, it keeps me pretty busy in terms of driving to see her (and she comes here too... yah!) 6.5-7 hours each way.  whew!

i am new to lj.  going to search out a few communities and what not.  have been on xanga for a while, but i have only written like one entry per month because things got so hectic.  i am going to try to be better with this.  need to find a few 'friends' on here, since my real-life ones do not partake in a lot of on-line journal action... friendster is about all they can handle.

gotta get back to work for a bit.  more from me soon.  later.
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