Mar 31, 2005 17:33
springs out like a lambbb. yea its cold no more
april fools day is tomorrow. that might be funny
today sucked
it all started because mrs braun is completely insane.
i dont even know what else. i guess it wasnt so bad. it was nice out and i had a 2 hour but i left after about 45 mins becuase mr buckner left and i was supposed to do labs in decaro, but decaro went to baseball practice, so how could i not leave?
im supposed to serve some detention time tomorrow too, but i cant because im going to geneseo after lunch, which means im cutting again since my mom wont write me the right time note, and i guess ill have a 2 hour again on monday, with sharlie, which will be alright.
mr decaro was very upset that i cut his class, becuase apparentlyyyy not many kids cut decaro's class.....
felt like i had a lot to do today. it seemed like a lot more than it was. i guess that happens. it piles up in my head, but really most things just tend to work out and fall into place anyway, and its not worth the worry. i know that.
i have a lot to do for school by next week, and my rats cage needs to be cleaned beforeeee i go away this weekend, which means tongiht, which is looking iffy....
i think i need to set my rat free soon. all he does is try to escape from his cage, and i would too if i was him. he's mad smart and he should be runnin around and stuff with his rat buddies. who knows. we'll see.