(no subject)

Dec 08, 2011 21:52

And, apparently, back down into... not depression exactly, but the sort of fucking INTENSE introspection I seem to spend more time doing than not doing these days.  There will likely be an incoherent, full of emotion post that will be somehow beautiful and yet sort of embarrassing in a few days, if not later tonight.  That seems to follow the pattern.

Until then, however, A GAME!

Reply to this entry and I will give you five prompts. Think of a song that fits each prompt, post the five songs to your journal, and explain your choices. Give prompts to the people who reply to you.  Many thanks to notraffic for mine!

I've also provided a runner up choice, with no link or explanation, because I hate ever choosing just one thing.

1. sharp

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I don't usually think of music, even harsh music, as being "sharp", so this was hard for me.  In the end, though, this was the first thing I thought of and it stuck.  There's something just... raw about this song, in the combination of the lyrics and the music and just the way he sings it.  You can almost see someone grabbing their hair and scraping their knees on the pavement.

Runner up - "Easy As Life" from the musical Aida

2. at rest

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If "sharp" was hard because I had trouble thinking of songs that were sharp, this one was hard because a TON of songs I love could work for "at rest".  I like a lot of different music, but a sort of quiet peace in a song (usually a darker peace) is something that will instantly make me love it.  In the end, I discovered an interesting thing, though-- ALL of the songs I picked have water imagery in them.  Every last one.  Considering I have waves in my name and I used to fall asleep listening to them when I was little, that's not really surprising, but it's something I didn't realize.

So I picked the MOST sea oriented one.  :)

Runner Up: "Return to Me" by October Project

3. hard work

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Because, really.  It has to be this one.

Runner Up: "This Place is Mine" from the musical Phantom.  No, not Phantom of the Opera.  Phantom.

4. daydreaming

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This was the no brainer of the list, and I'm sure anyone who's read this blog for any length of time knows it.  I love this song so much it hurts.  It makes me laugh, it makes me cry, it makes me dream, it makes me hopeful.  And it's perfect for "daydreaming".  I couldn't resist.  Also, for this particular song watch the video.  It's the official music video for it and it will haunt you all day.  In a good way.

Runner Up: "Fires at Midnight" by Blackmoore's Night

5. holiday

I'm going to take this two ways, because the word means two things to me, particularly at this time of year.  So I'm going to answer once for holiday = Christmas and once for holiday = vacation.

So, for holiday = Christmas:

By FAR my favorite is the song "Mary Did You Know?" but I cannot find my favorite version of it anywhere and the version REALLY matters to me.  Because I really don't like it when men sing this song.  I try not to be OMG MEN CANNOT SING ABOUT WOMEN WITHOUT IT BEING SEXIST, but really?  This song when sung by a man, to me, makes it sound kind of... saccharine, I guess, sappy.  Maybe even a little condescending.  But when sung by a woman, there's just this different quality to it, some kind of divine female connection or something.  It brings me to tears.  I'm a Christian, but I'm a Christian in a weird way that other Christians find really hard to accept, and there's just something lonely and beautiful and real about this song.  It's what the holidays are about, yo.

This is probably the best version I could find, but it's even better when there's a bit more *sweep* to the bridge.

And of course, if there's a runner up, it has to be the net opposite.  But still, probably my very favorite non-Christian Christmas song.

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Then, as for holidays as a vacation, an unwinding, the choice was quick for me as well.  It would have to be The Toasters "I'm Running Right Through the World"  There's just something... irrepressibly summer break about this song.  It's meant to be played in a convertible with the top down and the wind in your hair and nothing at all to do that day except be awesome.  And the lyrics have wanderlust written all in them, too.

Runner Up: "Down Together" by The Refreshments.
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