”Well. That was interesting,” Sandra Bennet said, looking up at him from where he had lead her to sit after they had touched down. She was shaking a bit, which was understandable all things considered, he however, being used to it, stood next to the bench, rocking on the ball of his feet.
“Erm, yeah, sorry about that. It’s just that it’s a whole lot faster than traditional flying, and, well, I wanted to get you here in a rush,” Sylar replied, actually sounding a bit apologetic as he bit his lip. “Sorry, though. You get used to it?”
“I don’t think I want to get used to it, Sylar. I’d rather stick to a plane, no matter how much more time it takes,” she said, the words followed by a pointed look, though it soon changed as a small smile crossed her face, just for an instant. “Besides, I don’t think my husband would be very happy to know that you’d brought me here that way.”
A smile flickered across his face now as he caught her eye, and in it he could see a slight twinkle. He wasn’t going to lie and say that he and Claire’s mother were the best of friends. She had felt the same way towards him as Noah had, at first, but he had taken her aside and apologized to her for everything bad he had done to her, and to her family, and though she hadn’t exactly forgiven him, she was kinder after. It helped that he kept her constantly updated on how they were doing. He’d sent her copies of pictures he had, of them, and of Noah. She’d seemed pleased that they had named their son after her husband. Most importantly though was that he had constantly kept her updated when she was missing. He would tell her everything he knew, because he too knew then what it was like to lose a child. He didn’t want her to be less informed than he was, and the moment she was found, he had told her.
“So tell me again why you had to come get me, like that?” she asked after a moments silence, looking up at him as the colour returned to her face.
“She…” he trailed off and closed his eyes, taking a deep breath as he relived everything she had said the last time he had seen her. She had said that she didn’t know if she wanted to remember who she was with him, and that had hurt him worse than anything else she could have said. He couldn’t help but be selfish though. He wanted his wife back. He needed his wife back, because without her he felt that it was going to be so much easier for him to lose control. Molly was like him. He hated to admit it, but he knew that she had been right, and that the Haitian had been right too. He had made her like him, by accident, but since she was like him, she would understand, and she would help him. The truth was, and he knew it deep down, that Claire was the one person that could keep him possibly sane, and if he didn’t get her back…well, let’s just say the world would be an unfortunate place to be. “She doesn’t remember Noah. She doesn’t remember being pregnant. She doesn’t remember giving birth. Holding or feeding him. Anything like that, and…I thought that maybe it would be easier for you to help her in that department, since you’re a woman and all that, and you obviously know more about it all, even if you didn’t see her as much.”
“It was him, wasn’t it? That…man that Noah works with. I don’t think I ever caught his name,” she said and frowned slightly as though she was trying to remember, but Sylar just shook his head.
“I don’t think he even has a name, but you’re right. He took her. Kidnapped her and took away every last memory of our relationship. She doesn’t remember anything. She…she knows she loves Noah, and that she loves Molly, but she doesn’t remember why, and it’s draining her,” Sylar explained slowly, and the slight pained expression on his face made it obvious that it hurt that he couldn’t say she knew she loved him too. “She’s… She’s said that she doesn’t know if she wants to remember me, because of everything that I’ve done…”
“Like slicing her head open?” Sandra interject and Sylar winced, then nodded slowly.
“Yes, like that, among other things,” he replied bitterly with a sigh. “But the point is that. I…I can understand that. Somewhat. That doesn’t mean I want to accept it, or do accept it, but…I worry that if she doesn’t want to remember, then she won’t. However, I want her to remember Noah, because I know how much that pains her, and, I thought that you could help with that. Since you’re her Mom and all, that’s…maybe that’s exactly who she needs to trigger back her motherly memories. And, well, there’s more news.”
“More news?” she raised an eyebrow at him as she looked at him, and the way that he was smiling now. “What?”
“It’s a girl,” he said simply, and he jaw dropped open ever so slightly before she too smiled. “I just found out a few days ago, so it’s not like I’ve known for ages. She only found out a week ago or so. But, it’s a girl.”
“Oh, Sylar, that’s wonderful,” Sandra told him, and where this would normally be where normal in laws would hug each other, they were still at a point where that would be too awkward, and they just nodded to each other.
“Yeah. It is. But, anyway,” he shook his head, trying to clear his mind of anything else. “She…I think she would appreciate you going in to see her. You can help her, and, help her remember how to be a mother and all that before our daughter comes along, and all.”
Sandra got up at that and nodded, turning and going towards the house, but stopped when she looked over her shoulder and saw that he was still standing there, exactly in the same place. “You’re not coming with?”
“No, no I think it’s best that you talk to her alone,” he replied and smiled encouragingly at her. She nodded and turned back, and Sylar watched her disappear into the house. He sighed at that and sat down on the bench, running his fingers through his hair as he tried to reason with himself that everything was going to be okay. That was what he had to tell Molly after all, and if he couldn’t convince himself, he couldn’t convince her.