Photo prompt))
Gabriel couldn’t go back home. He wanted to. He wanted to crawl into bed with Peter and have him save him from his thoughts, but he couldn’t. If he did go back in the state that he was in, Peter would know that something was wrong. He wouldn’t want to tell Peter what was wrong with him, of course not, but hew knew all too well that Peter had ways of getting things out of him, even when he didn’t want to tell.
As angry as he was with Sylar, he knew that if Peter found out what his other self had done to him, he would go out and try to kill him; and even though it would be a sweet gesture, he also knew that Sylar would love an excuse to kill him. Peter wouldn’t stand a chance against him, because he could kill him with a simple flick of his wrist.
He didn’t think that Sylar would have done what he did. His other self already had so many abilities, and so many more than he had. Gabriel had just wanted something that would be uniquely his. Truth be told, he probably would have shared with him eventually, he owed him after all, but he had just wanted to have it on his own for a bit. He’d thought of even suggesting that they set up a trade with it. Pyrokinesis for something he wanted, maybe induced radioactivity or something like that. But no, it hadn’t worked out the way that he wanted it to work out.
He had met up with him as they basically had regular meetings now, and he had thought that they would just do what they normally did. Target practice, and maybe going at each other if they were both up for it, but obviously this time had been different.
From the moment he had stepped into the warehouse Sylar’s eyes had been on him the way they were whenever he looked at one of his victims to be. He had known that Sylar would have been able to hear the ticking, that was natural, his others tick was so loud that it drowned out everything else, but he had hoped that he would exercise a bit of restraint and not touch him. Gabriel could probably after all get to him if he tried hard enough, but he managed to not touch him.
What was worse though was that he hadn’t seen it coming, so when he felt the shot through him he had been caught completely off guard. The original shot had healed almost instantly, and he had managed to turn around just in time to see Sylar coming toward him with a look unlike anything that he had ever seen before.
The look in his face had been even darker than the one that he had seen the time that they went out together and killed. Looking back at it, he realised that it might have been a good idea to at the time just give in, and let Sylar do what it was that he wanted to do, but he couldn’t. There was something in him that was just screaming, telling him to fight for his special ability, and it was a voice that couldn’t be ignored.
Had he just given in he was sure that his other self would have been nicer about it. He didn’t though, and even though he did get in a few good shots, Sylar inevitably overpowered and managed to catch him; and when he woke up a few hours later he felt dizzy and sick, almost as if he had been drugged again. To make matters worse though, as his vision came back into focus, what he saw was Sylar standing over him, with what he assumed could only be the top of his hand in his hand.
It took what could only be described as begging to get the top of his head back on his head, and when he finally had all he wanted to do was to get out of there, and away from his other self. To his chagrin though, Sylar insisted on staying with him, even though Gabriel told him that he could go do whatever he wanted. He knew that the desire to go out and test must be burning under his skin like it had him. He tried to convince him to go, saying that he would be just fine there without him, but no matter what he just stayed where he was, playing with the flames in his hand, and occasionally sending a jet of flames to a crate, but nothing more. In reality, Gabriel was half expecting for him to set him on fire, but thankfully, that hadn’t happened.
Finally he managed to get up and walk in a straight line, and he felt as though he was ready to be able to fly off. He left Sylar without a word, he was still angry after all, and that anger was burning under his skin.
And that was how he ended up alone in a hotel room in Paris, sitting outside on the little balcony looking out into the night. He needed to get away from it all, just for a night or two so that he could clear his mind. Sylar hadn’t respected him that night, and now he had lost almost all the respect that he had for him.
[Sylar is
heroslayer and is used with love and permission]]