1. We all talk about what turns us on but how often do we talk about what turns us off? Tell us of five things that turn you off and makes it impossible for you to get back into the mood.
1. Pregnancy. And yes, I know that sounds really, really horrible, but I can’t help it. It doesn’t even have anything to do with like, the weight gaining or anything like that. Hell, it has its perks after all, with the boobs and that, and I don’t mind it during the early part. However, when you can see it moving around? That gets to me. Besides, it’s sort of rude. It’s like…there’s someone else already in there, and I have to wait my turn. And I’m fine with that, really. Claire, my wife, claims that I’m scared of babies and pregnancy. I’m not. Okay I might be a little bit but I’m not going to tell her that. It just weirds me out when you can suddenly see like, a hand or foot print, and I can’t get over that. Once I saw the outlines of a face. I might have passed out.
But yes, that is a definite turn off for me, and one I feel really, really bad about.
2. Being interrupted by a call, especially the times it’s her parents to chat. It’s happened several times, I think they have like a sensor for it, or something. Especially her father calling. Knowing who her father is, I have a suspicion that he might have installed cameras around our house and is spying on us; and therefore decides to call whenever I have her (or she has me) in a compromising position. I know he’s not fond of me, and would prefer that we weren’t together and didn’t have kids, so it makes sense that he would do that in my head at least.
3. My assistant calling me saying that I need to come in for work. Whenever she calls it’s never something pleasant, and unfortunately because of my job I can’t ignore the calls from her. Even if she’s just calling to brief me on something, and then says I don’t have to actually come in for another few hours, I just can’t get back into the mood after whatever she’s said.
4. Children coming in, or baby monitors going off. This hasn’t happened as much as I thought it would, but it’s still happened once or twice, and after having to break it off for however long of a period of time, I would rather just go to sleep than try to get back in the mood.
5. My partner calling out someone else’s name. That hasn’t happened to me, but really. That would blow beyond belief.