
May 20, 2004 17:45

I am pro war.
I think vegitarianism is dumb.
I think animals are on Earth to be eaten.
I believe in god but not religeon.
I think homosexuals shold be able to marry but NOT have tv shows all about there way of life. Children shouldn't be able to see that kind of shit.
I don't feel bad when i hear about people starving in Iraq I get hungry.
I plan on joining the military.
I think this racial shit has to stop. whites get reated like 2nd class around here all because our ancestors kept slaves. Fuck that Whites are a minority in California.
Marijuana should be legal!
I don't think we should pull out of Iraq i think we should send double the troops.
I hate hippies.
All my friends smoke something.
Instead of giving money to poor people in other countries we should give it to poor people in this county.
We need another big war to decrease our population or get more land.
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