Into the night

Apr 19, 2010 06:30

I lie awake for hours with nothing important on my mind. The future, the past, an extensive to do list, an artistic concept for something I will never draw...maybe I'm stressed, who knows. So, now it's nearly 6:30 in the morning and I sit here, reading about cognatic descent of the Maori from New Zealand. I decided to open a new blog. I haven't kept a journal in years, it seems my need to reflect has gotten the better of me. As of late I have found myself drifting off into deep thought, day dreaming, planning, worrying. Maybe it is just a means of procrastinating, or perhaps I've bottled up my thoughts and reflections to much. I haven't given them the proper time.

Here I am, greetings LJ.

sleepless, introduction

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