
Mar 12, 2004 11:27

okay so what the fuck. yesterday i got called down to talk to dr. dandridge. or however you spell that bitches name. and she said that the morning of the day before, the security guard saw me put a pack of newports in my pocket when she walked by me. and i wasn't holding anything. i remember seeing her and she was really far away from me. saying i had cigs was one thing. but newports... a specific brand? shes either fucking stupid, or she made it up. so they got my stuff from my class to search it and i sat there, grinning at them. that administrator was being such a bitch about the whole thing. they had no evidence so, im free. they didn't even apoligize for the search after they didn't find anything. "if you're going to smoke, do it off school grounds." they said that like 5 times. i don't smoke; never have; never will. i was so god damn pissed off. i dont really care, but... i don't know it just really frustrated me. so i went back to class, law and citizen, and they all wanted to know what happened. we ended up discussing the whole thing and my teacher thought they were wrong. if i had been searched on the spot, instead of the next day then the dumbasses would have seen that i didn't have cigs. okay i'm done with that. everyone come to the show tonight. it will be out of line's last show. so we are doing something special. tony, mike and i feel that out of line is over, and we know it isn't going to go any further. it was a mutual decision with no hard feelings. it just needed to happen. i am actually really happy to be starting fresh. we are going to do nothing but write for the next few months. i am going to write and write and write. i already have some acoustic songs that sound like they are made to be acoustic, but i think they will be awesome when the whole band plays them.
oh yeah. on tuesday i went to court for my ticket... and my cop didn't show up so i'm completely off the hook. fuck yessss.
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