
Mar 24, 2007 19:15

Continued from here

Making love under the stars )

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broodychampion May 26 2007, 06:07:07 UTC
When Wesley came, releasing his warmth between them, Angel groaned. It was the most unbelievable feeling in the world and he smiled, knowing he was going to feel it again, hopefully every night from that point on. He didn't think he would ever get enough of the man before him.

"It was," Angel said before softly kissing him. He pressed his forehead to his and smiled. "I love you, Wes."

Even though Angel wanted to stay inside of Wesley for the rest of the night, he knew he had to clean them up and they needed to head back to the city. It was getting late and the vampires that lived out there would be returning soon from their hunts. The last thing Angel wanted was for Wes to get hurt.

Carefully slipping out of him, Angel took out a small packet of wet wipes and gently cleaned Wes up before doing the same for himself. "The vampires that live out here will be back soon and I rather be home with you and not out here when they return," he explained, hoping Wesley would understand.

He softly kissed him and gathered up their clothes, giving Wes' to him, and got dressed before he started to pack the leftover food up.


gfswesleypryce May 26 2007, 20:38:35 UTC
"I love you too," Wesley whispered, taking several more deep breaths as the pounding of his heart finally began to slow.

Par of him didn't want to move from this position, with the man he loved inside him, but when Angel slowly slipped out of him and a breeze hit him, he knew that they couldn't stay out there all night. There was indeed the danger of vampires - even if they had finished their hunting, they still would undoubtedly come after them if they found them out there.

"Home would be very nice," he agreed, sitting up after Angel had cleaned them both up. He took his clothes and quickly pulled them on. He felt a bit sore, but it was a good kind because of the wonderful pleasure that the two of them had shared.

Once the food was packed up, they headed back to Angel's car and drove back into the city, heading for Wesley's flat. As they reached the building, he found himself smiling, thinking about what they had decided earlier. A new place for the two of them. It would be absolutely wonderful, having a home together.

Inside, he took the basket so he could put the food away in the icebox. "Would you like a glass of blood?" he asked, knowing that he hadn't really been able to properly eat. "I...since we started seeing each other, I've kept a bit in the fridge. Just in case."


broodychampion May 26 2007, 21:22:23 UTC
Angel helped Wesley carry the leftovers up to his apartment. As Wes put it away, Angel hung his duster up on the coat hook and looked toward the kitchen, a smile playing on his lips. The other man had taken the time to make sure he had blood for him. No one had really ever done that for him before.

"Sure," Angel said as he picked up the paper from the table. He sat down on the couch and started to look through it. An article caught his attention and he looked it over. The Hyperion Hotel was going to be torn down unless someone bought it.

Standing, he went over to where Wes was standing and put the paper down. "They're going to tear it down," he said, waving at the newspaper. "I stayed there for a few years back...in the fifties I think."

He glanced at Wes and thought for a moment. "Might be a good place for the business. Is there anyway of finding out who owns it now?" he asked.


gfswesleypryce May 27 2007, 01:29:10 UTC
Nodding, Wesley pulled the blood out of the refrigerator and poured some in a mug. He knew that Angel didn't like it cold, so he placed the mug in the microwave and let it heat up slightly while he put the rest away.

Just as he was taking the mug out of the microwave when it beeped, Angel came in, waving the paper and talking about something getting torn down. He furrowed his brow in confusion, wondering what he was talking about. He handed the mug over to his lover and then picked up the paper, looking at the main article on the page.

"The Hyperion Hotel? You stayed there?" Wesley asked. He looked down at the article again, trying to remember where he had heard the name before. "I can do a search of property records for the city. That should tell us who the owner is. But where have I...?"

Suddenly, it clicked into place as he remembered some of the local ghost stories he had heard since starting work at Angel Investigations. "The hotel's been empty for decades, as I recall. Something about a ghost that inhabits the place, scares off people." He pushed his glasses up his nose. "If you're interested in the place, we might want to do some investigating. Find out what's going on there."


broodychampion May 27 2007, 02:27:29 UTC
Angel listened to Wesley talk about hearing ghost stories about the hotel. "You won't have to do much research," he said before looking down at the newspaper again. "I can tell you some of what happened there before it closed down for good."

Taking Wes' hand, Angel led him out to the living room. After the both of them were settled on the couch, Angel leaned forward and put his elbows on his knees. "The Hyperion Hotel was part of 'old' Hollywood and became a place for people to hide. I hid there and no one paid attention to me until this woman named Judy showed up," he explained.

He rubbed his hands over his face, remembering everything that'd happened in those few days. "A lot of people started to die there - either by being murdered or by being killed. A rumor started and I came back one night and they were blaming Judy for it and she saw me and said I was the one doing it," he continued. "They ended up hanging me, which you know won't kill me. Later, I got down and was getting ready to leave when a demon approached me. It turned out he was the one telling people to kill themselves and others. And, instead of staying, I walked out to let him do what he wanted to them."

Angel fell silent again and looked down at his hands. He'd left those people there to die without fighting for them. "I was pretty selfish back then and didn't think any of them deserved to die," he finished.


gfswesleypryce May 28 2007, 02:08:36 UTC
Wesley raised his eyebrows in surprise when Angel told him that he knew what had happened at the hotel. Letting him lead him out into the lounge, he sat down, watching his lover. The way he leant forward worried him, making him wonder what exactly Angel knew. What exactly had happened.

Silently, he listened to the story Angel told, about the people who had died in the hotel, about how he had been suspected. Of course, hanging him wouldn't have worked, but the denizens wouldn't have known that. When he told him about the demon, Wesley felt his throat tighten.

"It was a different time," he finally said. "You were a different person. God knows I know what that's like. You know what I was like when I first arrived in Sunnydale, all by the book and stick up the arse."

Reaching over, he put his hand on Angel's shoulder and shifted so they were closer together. "Based on what I've heard about the hotel, the demon is still there, undoubtedly tied to the place. That means we can make it up to the people that died there. I just need you to tell me everything you can remember about him. Then we can figure out how to stop him."

He paused. "That is...if you want to."


broodychampion May 28 2007, 02:46:30 UTC
Angel didn't know what else he could say. Wesley was right and he was a different person back then but he still felt guilty about it. He could've saved a lot of lives but he'd chosen to walk away and make them fend for themselves.

Looking at Wesley, he smiled a little and shrugged. "I guess we've both changed," he said as he placed a hand on Wesley's knee. "I don't remember a lot about the demon. I guess people were having things whispered to them. Suggestions, you could say, and it was feeding off their deaths."

He took an unneeded sigh and rubbed his face. "It was your standard demon. Grayish, horns and really ugly. He...whatever he could do, he couldn't do to me," Angel said, trying to remember what else the demon had said to him.

"I...I wish I could remember more. Maybe we can look through the books?" He suggested.


gfswesleypryce May 28 2007, 04:06:33 UTC
Wesley rested his hand over Angel's, listening as he talked about what he could remember about the demon. The power of suggestion could be any number of races though it did narrow it down a bit and gave them a place to start. As did the fact that he had horns and apparently fed off the destruction he wrought.

Nodding, he squeezed Angel's hand when he asked if they could look through the books to see if they could find the demon in one of them. He had a few ideas about where they could even start. "Of course we can, love," he told him.

He looked over at his shelves of books then back to Angel. A few were there, and there were a few over at Cordelia's.

"Would you like to start tonight?" he asked, reaching up to run the back of his index finger along Angel's jawline. "Or do you want to wait until tomorrow morning? I could also run out to the city building to take a look through the property records."


broodychampion May 28 2007, 04:23:38 UTC
Angel just sat there and listened to Wes talk. When he asked his question and touched him, he felt something inside of him stir. He couldn't help but to think about the people he'd left in the hotel. Angel knew he wasn't human but being with Wes made him feel close to one. And he needed to feel that at the moment.

"No," he whispered as his swiped his tongue over his lips. He leaned into Wes' touch. "I need you."

Leaning forward, Angel captured Wesley's lips in a softly kiss. Soon the kiss deepened and he groaned, feeling himself starting to stir. He needed Wesley more than he could express at the moment.

"Need you so much," he murmured after he broke the kiss. "I want to feel you inside of me, Wes. Please."

He reached over and started to tug at Wes' shirt.


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