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broodychampion November 17 2006, 03:49:22 UTC
Angel tightened his arms around Wes when he felt the other man start to come. His own release squirted onto their stomachs, just as Wesley came. It was a strange feeling, feeling his cool release mixed with Wesley. But, that didn't matter. Wesley loved him and Angel was happy about that. "That was wonderful," he said as he softly kissed his lover. "Let me get something to clean us up."

Slipping out of the bed, Angel padded to the bathroom and looked around for a washcloth. When he finally found one, he wet it down with warm water and brought it back into the bedroom. He rolled Wes over onto his back and carefully cleaned him up. When he was finished, Angel threw the washcloth into the laundry basket in the corner. Smiling, Angel pulled the blanket up and slipped underneath.

"I'm glad you're in my life, Wes," he said as he ran his fingers through the other man's dark hair. "And I'm glad you came to Los Angeles to help us. I don't know what I would do without you most days. Thank you for, uh, making my life...undead life worth living again. And living sounds funny but you know what I mean." Angel chuckled a little and softly kissed Wesley's neck. "Now get some sleep. We need to be ready in case the firm decides to pay us back sooner than we expect. Especially Lindsey...and should I be so happy about cutting his hand off?"


gfs_wesleypryce November 20 2006, 05:37:41 UTC
As Angel climbed off the bed to get a flannel from the bathroom, Wesley collapsed almost bonelessly against the bed, feeling spent but satiated. When he had invited Angel over to spend the night, he had rather hoped something like this would happen but hadn't expected it. The fact that it had...Wesley didn't think he'd ever been this happy. His childhood certainly hadn't been, and despite his father's claims to the contrary, he had found someone who appreciated him, who cared for him...who loved him.

It was an amazing thing to realize. Angel loved him.

When he returned, he let him nudge him onto his back and clean him off, shuddering slightly at the feel of the warm flannel on his groin and stomach. Once they were cleaned, he happily cuddled with Angel under the blanket, wrapping his arms around him. Angel's words touched him deeply, almost causing him to blush.

"I'm...glad I came to Los Angeles too. I wasn't sure where I was going to end up after I was kicked off the Council, so I just went. Seeing you again, being a part of your...life...it's meant the world to me."

He was just letting his eyes close to sleep as Angel asked him to when he heard the amusement in his lover's voice. Cracking his eye open again, he raised an eyebrow at him. "I don't know if being happy is quite appropriate," he told him before breaking out in a chuckle. "I think you should be more proud. After all, it's not every day someone takes on the lawyers of Wolfram and Hart and comes out on top like this."

Suddenly, he let out a yawn and closed his eyes again, the events of the last few days starting to catch up with him. It felt like they had been going non-stop, and he was, after all, only human. "Think I'll get some of that rest you were talking about now..."


broodychampion November 21 2006, 19:39:04 UTC
Angel smirked at Wes’ words. It was true though and it was a rare occasion when they actually beat Wolfram and Hart. If he were a drinking man…vampire, he’d suggest they go out and celebrate their win, but he wasn’t. Besides, his boyfriend was currently falling asleep in his arms and it was the most wonderful feeling ever.

It didn’t take long for Angel to slip into sleep also. It was dreamless and deep, and he figured it was because they’d stopped whatever the firm had planned. One less worry for them but Angel knew it wouldn’t be long before Doyle had another vision and there would be another battle for them to fight.

When morning came, Angel opened his eyes and smiled when he saw Wesley was still snuggled against him. He reached up and ran his fingers through Wes’ short hair before placing a soft kiss on his cheek. He could get used to waking up beside the other man. With a glance at the clock, Angel knew Cordy would be expecting them soon and if they were late, she’d start calling. It was an annoying, but endearing habit she’d picked up after the office had blown up. She needed to know where ‘her boys’ were at all times.

“Wes? We should get up and get ready before Cordy starts calling,” he said before kissing his lover’s mouth. “And maybe we can start discussing a place for a new office. I don’t think Cordy’s patience with us is going to last much longer.”


gfs_wesleypryce November 23 2006, 05:33:33 UTC
Normally, falling asleep took quite a while for Wesley. Ever since he had been a child, his mind had always been busy. If it hadn't been languages running through his head, it had been historical dates and facts, and if it hadn't been that, it had been something else. His father had wanted him to be the best at everything even though his best had never been good enough, so on the nights he hadn't actually fallen asleep over a book, he would lie in bed with everything he had learned and revised swirling through his head. It was something that lasted with him to adulthood, only with translations and demon lore.

That night, however, esconced in Angel's arms, his head pillowed against his shoulder, Wesley slipped off into sleep very quickly, untroubled by research questions and other dark thoughts. It was the first full night's sleep he'd had in a long time, and he didn't wake up until he heard Angel's voice calling to him through the haze of sleep.

"Wha...?" he asked, blinking a bit before opening his eyes fully just as Angel kissed his mouth. He moaned softly, his eyes falling close again, but this time for an entirely different reason. By the time they parted, Wesley was very much awake. "Cordy...erm, yes...I think you're right. Maybe there are some other buildings for lease in the area that we could look into. Perhaps we should pick up a real estate listing on our way over. And a box of doughnuts."

Reluctantly sliding out of Angel's arms, Wesley walked over to the closet and pulled out a pair of trousers and a shirt before looking over at his lover. All his clothes and belongings, such that they were, had been destroyed in the fire bombing. "Would you...like to borrow some clean clothes from me? At least until we can get you some new ones of your own? I'm sure you don't want to wear those for days on end."


broodychampion November 23 2006, 08:29:51 UTC
Angel nodded at Wes' suggestions. They really needed to find a place for the agency before Cordy killed them. He knew they were cutting into her alone time with Doyle and he hated that. They were both his best friends and didn't want to cause them any problems. "Sounds like a good plan. I think there's a newspaper machine outside of Cordy's building," he said.

He watched Wesley get out of the bed and sat up so he could admire his body. His boyfriend was nice to look at. When he mentioned letting him borrow clothes, Angel looked at his clothes, that were on the floor. "Um, I guess," he said as he stood and went to the closet. He looked through it and noticed there were a lot of different...colors. Angel was more of the dark clothes type of vampire. "I...don't you own any black?"

The only black Angel could see was a suit and he didn't want to wear that. "Maybe...maybe I can get something...from...you don't have any black, Wes! How can you not have black?" Angel said, his hands waving around. "I love you but you need more black." He looked at Wes, hoping he didn't ask him to wear something bright because he knew he wouldn't be able to say no to him.


gfswesleypryce November 29 2006, 02:07:10 UTC
At Angel's complaint that he didn't have enough black in his wardrobe, Wesley arched his eyebrows in amusement. "Black is not the only color in the world," he told him. "In fact it's not much of a color at all, and it wouldn't do you any harm to wear something a bit different every once in a while. You're pale, which of course you're going to be, being a vampire and all, but wearing black makes you look even more so."

Reaching into the closet, he pulled out a yellow shirt and held it up to him. "Take this for example. You'd look good in this. Here." He pushed it into Angel's hands then looked through his trousers until he found a dark, but not too dark, pair of khaki pants.

He handed those over to his lover over his shoulder before bending down to grab a pair of shoes since the ones he had been wearing the day before where rather tattered and blood-spattered now. When he turned around, he saw Angel standing there with the clothes he had given him still in his hand.

"Oh, come now," he said, pushing him back gently from the closet so he could get out go his dresser to get socks and boxers. "A little color for once is not going to kill you."

He gave him a smile and then leaned over to kiss him. "Will it?"


broodychampion November 29 2006, 06:12:36 UTC
Angel touched his face and then looked down at his body when Wes said he was really pale. "I'm not that pale...am I?" he asked, studying his chest. It looked normal. Okay, not that normal and he was whiter than Wes and Wes was pretty white. "But I like black and it is a color! You can buy black paint so it's a color." Wes had to understand his train of thought.

Suddenly, there was a yellow shirt in his hands. "Uh, I...this looks a lot like the sun and..." Yeah, nothing Angel said was going to change Wesley's sick idea of how he needed to wear colors. Which continued with the light khakis. "I don't know...these are really nice clothes and if we fight something evil, I might get blood on them." He was pretty sure he was going to win the battle until Wesley looked at him and then kissed him.


Angel couldn't resist anything when Wes kissed him and the other man knew it. "Okay," he said, pulling away. "I'll go clean up and shower." With a small smile, he went to the bathroom and took a quick shower. When he was finished, and dried, he put the clothes on, wishing he could see himself in the mirror.

With an unneeded sigh, he walked out of the bathroom and showed Wes his clothes. God, Cordy was going to tease him forever about this!


gfswesleypryce December 4 2006, 04:46:36 UTC
"It's daytime, Angel," Wesley told him with a slight snort. "We don't tend to run into many demons during the day. Besides, if you do get blood on them, it's all right."

Finally, Angel relented and went into the bathroom to shower and get dressed. Wesley found himself smiling almost goofily as he waited for him, not able to remember a time when he had been this happy. He was in love, and it didn't matter that Angel was a vampire because it was Angel.

After a moment, he went back into the closet and grabbed his black leather jacket off the hanger, taking it out and laying it on the bed near the clothes he had chosen for himself. When Angel came back into the room to show him how he looked, Wesley smiled.

"You look fine, love," he told him, picking up his own clothes from the bed. "And since you really want something black, I got that out for you."

He pointed to the leather jacket, then kissed Angel and headed into the bathroom to take his own shower. Once he was washed up, he scrubbed himself dry and got dressed before heading back into the bedroom.

"Ready to go?" he asked.


broodychampion December 5 2006, 01:11:27 UTC
After Wes walked out of the room, Angel turned and looked at the leather jacket. He didn't know what was going on with him but it had to be big. Not even Buffy could've gotten Angel to wear colors, even though she had hinted around about it all the time. Maybe Wes had better luck because things were different between them. Unlike with Buffy, Angel beside Wes and not against him. Plus, their relationship had started better too.

Picking up the jacket, Angel slipped it on and stood in the room. He could hear Wesley in the shower and was almost tempted to join him but knew they needed to get to Cordy's. And when Wes asked if he was ready to go, Angel nodded and walked out the backdoor of the building and into the dark alleyway where his car was parked.

The trip over to Cordy's didn't take long and when they got to her door, Angel knocked. He heard a muffled 'Come in' so he opened the door to see Doyle sitting on the couch. And when he saw Angel, his eye widened.

"Cordy? Angel's wearin' yellow!" he yelled.

"You're lying!" Cordy said as she hurried out of the kitchen, almost dropping her cup of coffee when she saw what Angel was indeed wearing a yellow shirt. "Oh my god! The sex must've been really good if Wes got you to wear colors!"

"Cordy," Angel said before hiding his face.

"What's your secret, Wes? I've been trying to get him in colors for months!" she said, looking between them.


gfswesleypryce December 23 2006, 07:22:39 UTC
When they walked into Cordy's apartment, the first thing Wesley heard was Doyle telling her what Angel was wearing. The next thing he knew, Cordy was squealing as though she had just won the lottery and asking him how he had got him to wear something with color with it. Wesley found himself blushing a little as she seemed to think it had something to do with the sex. Not that she knew what had actually happened between them, but he was sure that she was guessing and probably thought that they...

Oh bugger.

"I just gave him the shirt...and the trousers," Wes told her with a shrug. "Said it wouldn't hurt to wear lighter colors."

"Oh, come on!" she said, grabbing his arm. "Look at him! He's wearing something other than something from the dark end of the spectrum. He never does that! You had to have done something really special to convince him."

Wesley suddenly wished that he had let Angel wear something dark from his wardrobe and looked over at his lover with an apologetic expression. "Cordy, there's...really, we should probably..." He grasped around for something to take the focus off of this. "We were...that is Angel mentioned last night...that perhaps while there's a lull with Wolfram and Hart, maybe we should start looking around for new office space."


broodychampion December 24 2006, 07:37:38 UTC
Angel watched as Cordy gave Wes the third degree. Ever since they'd lost their office, she'd seemed more edgy...and bossy. He guessed it was from almost losing Doyle and lack of things to do. They really didn't have a lot to do since it was hard to run a business from Cordy's kitchen. Especially when she tried to cook and get Doyle and Wes to eat it.

"Help maybe?" Doyle said, nodding his head toward Wes and Cordy.

"If you want," Angel said.

"Not me, you," Doyle said.

Angel cleared his throat and looked at Cordy. "It's just a shirt. And, yeah, we think we need a new office space. Have today's paper?" he asked, looking around.

"What's wrong with my apartment, buster?" Cordy asked as she put her hands on her hips.

"Nothing. But do you really want us hanging around all the time. Spilling blood on your counter. Or in your microwave. I think I even spilled some in your--."

"Ok, ew? Fine. Doyle and I are going to the mall anyway," Cordy said as Doyle gave Angel a horrified look. "We'll pick up a paper on the way back. Help yourself to anything and no spilling of stuff!"

"Bye," Angel said as Cordy dragged Doyle out the door. When it shut behind them, Angel looked over at Wes and smiled. "Sorry for not helping." He reached over and pulled Wesley closer to him. With a smirk, Angel gave his lover a slow, deep kiss. He was just pulling back when the stereo turned on and romantic music started to filter through the air.

"Uh..." He muttered before looking at Wesley.


gfswesleypryce January 4 2007, 05:47:47 UTC
When Angel finally jumped in, deflecting Cordelia's interrogation and mentioning the need for new office space, Wesley slumped down in the nearest chair, a bit relieved. At least he didn't have to deal with her trying to dig for the details of their sex life anymore. He much rathered keep that between the two of them.

He had to admit, Angel definitely knew how to handle her, causing her to want to leave for the mall so fast, his head almost spun. He wasn't sure he wanted to know exactly where Angel had spilled the blood - the possibilities were bad enough on their own.

After coughing a bit at Cordy's parting shot, Wesley returned Angel's smile once she and Doyle were gone. "It's--," he started to say before being pulled into a kiss. He was so caught up in it and the way Angel felt that he didn't notice the music until a few moments later when his lover pulled away. Shaking his head, he found himself snorting softly and shaking his head. "Dennis."

After a minute, the music switched over to something a bit less of a love song. As much as Wesley wanted to spend the day kissing him and touching him, he didn't really want to do it knowing a ghost was watching. Goodness only knew what he might tell Cordy. And how.

So they spent the rest of the morning going through the books to see if he could find anything regarding the Scroll of Aberjian and Shanshu or the cage they had seen. He didn't get far, though - he was definitely going to need to bring the scroll back next time in order to start really researching it properly, and there were so many references to cages that he wasn't even sure where to start. He needed that kit.

A little after noon, Cordy and Doyle returned with lunch, a paper, and several bags. They ate, Cordy giving Angel some looks while he had his blood, then spent the rest of the afternoon debating where they wanted to locate their new office. Of course, Cordy wanted somewhere down near the ocean in a nice neighborhood. Finally, seeing that it was getting late, they decided to table the discussion for the time being, especially when it became clear that Doyle and Cordy had plans for the evening.

"Back to my flat?" Wesley asked at they gathered their jackets and headed for the door.


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