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broodychampion January 5 2007, 16:00:11 UTC
Angel was glad the day went by relatively fast. They hadn't found a place for an office, but he was happy to get away from Cordy since she'd spent most of the day watching Wes and him. He understood she was curious but Angel had always hated being watched by others, and he knew she was only doing it to find out what had happened at Wesley's apartment the night before. Maybe Angelus was the type to kiss and tell, but Angel wasn't.

When it was finally time to go, Angel practically ran over to get his jacket. He almost didn't hear Wes' question and shook his head. "Not right away," he answered as they walked out of Cordy's apartment. "There's something at the Bluffs we need to check on first. It shouldn't take long."

He led Wesley down to his car, glad the night was warm and balmy. Once inside of the car, he started toward the Bluffs. Every once in a while, Angel would give Wesley a nervous glance, hoping his lover liked what he had planned for them. He hadn't done anything like this in...forever and didn't know if it he was supposed to ask and not just assume Wes would be okay with it.

After an hour of driving, they finally arrived at a hidden spot at the Bluffs. Getting out of the car, Angel went to the trunk and opened the trunk. Inside was a small picnic basket and two blankets. He looked over at Wesley and gave him a nervous smile. "I, um, I called someone earlier and asked them to do this. I thought we could have a date out here," he said as he rubbed the back of his neck. "If you don't want to, we can leave and go back to your apartment."


gfswesleypryce January 20 2007, 06:57:13 UTC
"Something at the Bluffs?" Wesley asked as they headed down to Angel's car, his brow furrowing. "I don't remember there being any recent demon or vampire activity at the Bluffs. It's not the right time of month."

Angel seemed certain that they needed to go to the Bluffs, however, so he shrugged and got into the car. He wanted to ask Angel exactly what was going on, but there was something about his lover's expression that made him decide to wait. Perhaps there was a contact he needed to meet, and he didn't want to say anything.

Wherever they were going, it was out of the way, and by the time they arrived, Wesley was quite confused. There was no one there. There wasn't even anything there except a small clearing curtained off by trees save for the view of the ocean over the bluff. He got out of the car and followed Angel around to the boot of the car.

"Is there something we need to hunt? A relic we're looking for? A..." He paused for a moment when he saw what Angel had in there. "Picnic basket?"

Wesley's eyes ticked up to Angel, seeing the smile on his face, the utter nervous in his voice and demeanor. That had been what he been picking up in the car.

"You did this for me--for us?" he asked softly before turning back to look over his shoulder at the view again. "Leave? Why would I want to leave? This is...probably the most wonderful surprise anyone's ever given me." Leaning over, he kissed Angel deeply for several moments before having to pull back to breath. He then helped Angel pull the basket and blankets out of the boot. "I think there's a spot right over there that would be perfect."

Going over to a spot where they could overlook the ocean, they started spreading out the picnic.


broodychampion January 26 2007, 06:56:23 UTC
Angel smiled when Wes agreed to stay and have a picnic with him. He had never really done anything like this before and didn't know if it was going to work out. With his smile in place, he followed Wesley to the clearing and started to help him unpack the basket. "I had a friend pick it up for me," he explained, knowing Wes would want to know how he did all of it while he was in Cordy's apartment with him.

Once it was set up, Angel sat down on the blanket and pulled Wes down beside him. "There isn't a lot. Just some things to snack on," he said as he motioned toward the cheese, sausage and crackers. There was also a bottle of wine inside the basket and Angel took it out. "It's probably not the most romantic spread but I thought we could spend some alone time together," he said as he pulled the cork out of the bottle.

He poured Wesley a glass and handed it to him. "I...I was thinking when we get a new office, we can get it in a building with an apartment in it. A place where...both of us could live," Angel suggested as he looked at Wesley, trying to gauge his response. He didn't want to push him too fast.

Leaning over, he softly kissed his lover and pulled back. "I really liked staying with you last night and want to do it every night," Angel admitted.


gfswesleypryce February 7 2007, 04:03:49 UTC
"Well, whoever your friend is, you must thank him or her for me because this is wonderful," Wesley told Angel as he sat down. He looked at the food that had been packed, thinking that it was just right for a picnic like this, out under the stars with the man he had come to love quite a lot. "And I think it's very romantic, actually."

Taking the wine glass from Angel, he took a sip of it before reaching for a piece of cheese, realizing that he was actually a bit hungry. He listened as his lover talked about them getting a new office with a flat...for both of them.

"Really?" he asked, his voice low. He was still trying not to have too many expectations about things because in the past, whenever he had, he had always found himself disappointed. But as Angel kissed him, he knew that he was starting to realize that...that with him, there was a whole world of things to look forward to, and somehow, he knew that they'd make sure that no matter what happened, they make all of it happen together. "I liked you being there, too. I liked you being there when I fell asleep and when I woke up."

Reaching over, he took Angel's hand and gave him a smile. "I'd like very much. I'd like to live with you so we could be together," he told him before leaning over to kiss him. "I love you so much, Angel."


broodychampion February 7 2007, 05:41:47 UTC
Angel was glad Wesley liked the picnic. He’d been worried about what the other man might think about it, especially since he’d never been big on romantic gestures. Angelus had shown his ‘love’ by killing, and while Angel had shown it to Buffy by hanging out the Bronze with her, even though it made him feel uncomfortable and out of place.

He couldn't help but to smile at Wes' happiness over them moving in together. Angel knew it was something he wanted to do. There was no sense in Wesley keeping his apartment if they were going to spend each night together. Plus, he liked the idea of Wesley being close by in case anything happened. It was something he would never tell Wes since he didn't want the other man to think he was hovering, or being too overprotective. He just didn't want to lose him.

As Wesley kissed him, Angel brushed the back of his hand across the other man's cheek. After what'd happened in Sunnydale, he'd told himself he couldn't allow anyone to get close again. Yet, he couldn't deny Wesley, even if he tried. "I love you, too," he murmured against Wes' lips before he pulled back. He gave him a sheepish look before reaching into the pocket of his duster.

"I have to be honest with you, Wes," Angel said as he looked over at him. "There's another reason why I brought you out here. I-I couldn't stop thinking about what we did last night and how much I wanted to be with you." He wrapped his fingers around the small tube in his pocket and took an unneeded breath. "I want to be with you completely and this is the most romantic spot I could think of."

Angel pulled his hand out of his pocket and revealed the small tube of lube he'd gotten. "If...if you not do this now, I'll understand. You might not even like being naked outside." He blinked at that and dropped the tube. "You don't, do you? You're probably going to laugh at me for thinking you'd want to have sex out here, aren't you?"


gfswesleypryce February 8 2007, 04:52:56 UTC
Moving in together. They would be moving in together. Wesley had never been in a relationship serious enough to move in with someone before, but with Angel, it felt right. Having him there in his bed the night before had been the first time in a long time he had really slept comfortably, so he was really looking forward to having their own bed, being together every night.

Suddenly, he felt Angel pulled away and opened his eyes, looking at his lover questioningly. For a moment, he was worried that Angel had decided that maybe it wasn't a good idea after all, that maybe he had changed his mind. But then Angel started talking about what they had done together last night, and Wesley relaxed, realizing that he wasn't changing his mind. Far from it.

He looked at Angel as he held up the tube of lube, feeling his mind begin to spin. Here? Out here? Angel wanted to be with here, out in the open? He looked from him to the scenery around them. They were well secluded, away from anyone who could see them, under the stars, on what had to be the most romantic date anyone had ever planned for him.

And even though it scared him a bit, he couldn't think of a better time and place.

Looking back at Angel, who obviously was as worried as he was, he shook his head and put his finger over his lips. "Angel, I'm not going to laugh." He then reached down and picked up the lube before taking his lover's hand and slipping it back into it. "My answer's yes. I want to be with you. Out here. Tonight."


broodychampion February 17 2007, 03:21:44 UTC
Angel looked at Wesley and waited for him to answer. He could hear the other man's heart starting to beat faster, and he was afraid he was going to say no. After all, who in the hell asked their boyfriend, of less than two months, to make love with them in the middle of a state park? This whole being a romantic stuff was lost on Angel and he didn't know what else to do.

When Wesley suddenly pressed his finger to his lips, Angel blinked and looked up. He wanted to be with him. He then looked down as Wesley pressed the lube back into his hand. Angel couldn't help but to groan as he found himself starting to stir. They were finally going to be together.

"I promise not to hurt you," he whispered before leaning over to deeply kiss the other man.

As they kissed, Angel dropped the lube and started to work on undressing Wesley. He wanted this to last all night, but with them being outside, it wouldn't be possible. He wanted their first time to be under the stars but it didn't mean they couldn't do it again once they were back at Wesley's apartment.

Within moments, Wesley was undressed and Angel gently pushed him back on the blanket. He looked so beautiful, the pale moonlight shining over his skin. "God, Wes, I love you," Angel whispered as he quickly took off his own clothes.

Picking up the lube, Angel put some on his index finger and waited for it to warm. He leaned forward and kissed Wesley again as he pressed his finger against the other man's anal opening. "If I hurt you, tell me," he said as he pressed his finger forward while leaning down to take the tip of Wesley's cock into his mouth.


gfswesleypryce March 6 2007, 04:32:43 UTC
As Angel undressed him, Wesley shuddered slightly. Part of him couldn't believe he was doing this, allowing his lover to strip him in the middle of the outdoors so they could make love. Part of him was even questioning what people would think, what he would think because it wasn't proper, after all.

But as Angel's fingers ran over him, pulling off his shirt and undoing his trousers, Wesley found that he didn't care. He wanted this. He wanted Angel. What he thought didn't matter anymore. He didn't matter. The person who did was right here with him, pushing him down onto the blanket.

"I love you too," he responded softly, watching Angel take of his own clothes, his heart pounding in his ears. This was it. They were really going to do this.

When Angel leaned over him, Wesley spread his legs to allow him access and closed his eyes, almost gasping into the kiss at the feel of him pushing his finger in. Oh god...this was...he had never experienced anything like this before. There was an edge of pain that was quickly overwhelmed by the pleasure that bolted through him the moment Angel took his cock in mouth.

"Oh...oh lord, Angel," he whimpered, his hips bucking up. He wanted to feel him. He wanted to feel all of him. "More...oh...oh, please.."


broodychampion March 25 2007, 00:17:42 UTC
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