Jan 16, 2005 23:34
The Rules:
Take the 1st sentence from the 1st post of each month of 2004. Put them together. This is supposed to be what your year was like:
January 2004: So I decided to start keeping a livejournal instead of blurty.
February 2004: Well... it's been like a week and a half or so.
March 2004: This weekend with my mom was excellent.
April 2004: As of late I have been incredibly unmotivated.
May 2004: Soooo let us see... I did shit this weekend.
June 2004: I'm almost finished with my last week of my first summer class.
July 2004: Anyway, I'm fucking late for my meeting.
August 2004: Good Christ almighty, what all has happened since the last time I updated...?
September 2004: Been a little busy with work (almost wrote school) and shit.
October 2004: well sooooo... Friday night was pretty excellent I must say.
November 2004: Well.. I've been busy working a 45 hour a week job and trying to find time to see my boyfriend and sleep too.
December 2004: wow what a crazy day off.. driving around Middlesex county sucks on a weekend.
according to this I had a fucking lame year.. I need to sleep was gonna go to bed like an hour ago.. haven't made it yet. Since I lacked in the update department for the month of december here's the overview.. I worked. A lot. Got into a car accident, got a 2002 Jeep Grand Cherokee because of the accident, have someone who loves me, got a PS2 for Xmas, hung with Greg, Dan and Jess, and... that's about it.