Jul 05, 2005 13:09
We got this in the mail and I started packing my bags to move elsewhere.
Dear Friend,
An urgent situation reuires your immediate attention. At this moment, a vicious attack on America's future is underway. The stakes are high...
...and nothing less than the preservation of our Nation's soul hangs in the balance.
Please understand: The threat we face is SEVERE-and the descision you make in the next few moments could determine the course America takes for years to come.
Let me explain:
Despite our sweeping Republican victories in the 2004 elections, the liberal Democrats refuse to move forwatd to build a stronger, more prosperous America.
Already, President Bush and our Republican Senate Majority have passed the largest tax cuts in history, passed a historic Medicare prescription drug bill, and transformed the federal government to better protect out Homeland.
Unfortunately, because of ULTRA-LIBERAL OBSTRUCTIONIST TACTICS AND LEFT-WING PARTISAN POLITICS, the oppourtunity to build on these tremendous accomplishments could be lost.
And what's worse: The liberals seem driven by anger- rather than a higher vision for America's future.
Do you Doubt it? Well, consider this:
-DNC Party Chair Howard Dean proclaimed "I hate Republicans, and everything they stand for..."
-Billionaire George Soros compared the Bush Administration to the Nazis and have $5 million to anti-Bush group
-Far left-wing radical group MoveOn.org compared Bush to Hitler and called for a "regime change" in America.
And that was just the first page. There were four total.
On another note, last night was ridiculously stressful for so many people. Too many tears. Too many broken hearts. Too many people deserting their friends.
Again on another note, I'm going to Mississippi tommorrow and will be back Monday. Everyone should call me. mhmmm.