The funniest convo...

Oct 03, 2004 17:43

I'm noprofit arguing with JesusFreek

[9:58:24 PM] but man, if you didnt want to believe something would you? even if it was true?
[9:58:37 PM] JesusFreek perception is reality
[9:58:43 PM] NO
[9:58:45 PM] IT
[9:58:46 PM] yes
[9:58:47 PM] IS
[9:58:49 PM] NOT
[9:58:52 PM] if you thought blue was red
[9:58:54 PM] and red was blue
[9:58:59 PM] and you believed it
[9:59:02 PM] that would be your reality
[9:59:09 PM] therefore making your perception
[9:59:11 PM] reality
[9:59:13 PM] have you seen the matrix?
[9:59:17 PM] ...
[9:59:21 PM] Wtf
[9:59:30 PM] He gonna preach Jesus with the Matrix?
[9:59:32 PM] your reality is not the one that counts!
[9:59:35 PM] ...
[9:59:41 PM] JesusFreek
[9:59:47 PM] my reality counts to me
[9:59:56 PM] who i effect in my existence is just a by product of
[10:00:24 PM] so
[10:00:29 PM] if you thought someone was an asshole
[10:00:30 PM] reality is not perception, man
[10:00:33 PM] which you probabnly know a few
[10:00:44 PM] and everyone else thought he was the greatest guy in the world
[10:00:51 PM] that staement could not possibly be farther from the truth!
[10:00:57 PM] you wouldnt just start liking him because everyone else thought he was cool
[10:00:59 PM] would you?
[10:01:10 PM] statement*
[10:01:23 PM] pay attention you fuking pile of fukcheese
[10:01:37 PM] did the early peopltonighte in this world beleive in gra?vity
[10:01:40 PM] yold
[10:01:45 PM] JesusFreek
[10:01:46 PM] gravity?
[10:01:50 PM] answer my question
[10:01:54 PM] yoldster are you there
[10:02:23 PM] in the matrix, is the real world reality?
[10:02:29 PM] dude
[10:02:31 PM] you fuking retard
[10:02:36 PM] answer my fuking questiob
[10:03:06 PM] JesusFreek and yes
[10:03:09 PM] to the people
[10:03:09 PM] or is the fake one reality, just because most of those stupid, blind, selfish people believed it was?
[10:03:13 PM] who live in the matrix
[10:03:16 PM] and dont know any different
[10:03:18 PM] its the real world
[10:03:28 PM] NO
[10:03:30 PM] its called ignorance
[10:03:31 PM] ignorance is bliss
[10:03:33 PM] which you have a,lot of
[10:03:34 PM] IT IS NOT
[10:03:41 PM] yes it is
[10:03:45 PM] if you dont know something
[10:03:48 PM] youre ignorant of it
[10:03:49 PM] ignorance is bliss, i agree.
[10:03:53 PM] doesnt make you stupid
[10:03:57 PM] just misinformed
[10:04:04 PM] but bliss is not truth.
[10:04:11 PM] all because there is something else
[10:04:11 PM] only an illusion.
[10:04:19 PM] doesnt make it any different to the people who dont know about it
[10:04:23 PM] Your friend ImmortalDream has entered
[10:04:26 PM] JesusFreek
[10:04:30 PM] if you believe it
[10:04:33 PM] and dont know otherwise
[10:04:36 PM] why does it matter?
[10:04:47 PM] you can not possibly imagine how frustrating this is to me.
[10:04:54 PM] if 99.9% of those people in the matrix
[10:04:56 PM] that make me happy
[10:05:01 PM] never know thyre in a computer simulayted world
[10:05:01 PM] lo;
[10:05:01 PM] that this is frustrateing you
[10:05:03 PM] lol
[10:05:04 PM] it doesnt make them sinners
[10:05:11 PM] how were they supposed to know?
[10:05:14 PM] no one told them
[10:05:14 PM] it makes them lost
[10:05:18 PM] they were never informed
[10:05:26 PM] Yeah those 99.9% of cybering nerds ;/
[10:05:29 PM] I have to disagree with ignorance is bliss
[10:05:33 PM] If you were completely ignorant
[10:05:40 PM] youd be jesusfreak
[10:05:41 PM] :/
[10:05:43 PM] Then the moment you began to exist
[10:05:45 PM] You would go crazy
[10:05:50 PM] From all the $!@% happening you didn't know what was
[10:05:54 PM] and if you cared for someone who was lost, and they were headed for a terrible fate, would you try and save them?
[10:06:09 PM] youre missing the point newbie
[10:06:15 PM] quit fuking contradicting yourself
[10:06:21 PM] WOULD YOU?
[10:06:28 PM] i am not man.
[10:06:31 PM] i would inform them
[10:06:34 PM] but
[10:06:37 PM] yes.
[10:06:41 PM] take into account the world outside the matrix
[10:06:47 PM] which one is the more viable option?
[10:07:03 PM] that is irrelevant.
[10:07:06 PM] lets live in electronic bliss
[10:07:13 PM] .....
[10:07:14 PM] or nuclear scared waste land
[10:07:18 PM] no its not
[10:07:22 PM] youre saying
[10:07:30 PM] these people
[10:07:35 PM] that were outside the matrix
[10:07:44 PM] didnt try to save or tell all the other people
[10:07:48 PM] but
[10:07:50 PM] why save them?
[10:08:00 PM] because i care.
[10:08:04 PM] so
[10:08:07 PM] is that enough?
[10:08:16 PM] i won't give up, man.
[10:08:17 PM] Because you care...
[10:08:19 PM] youd rather them die trying to find food and water on nuclear scared lands
[10:08:19 PM] ?
[10:08:28 PM] then live in bliss?
[10:08:30 PM] That gives you the right to disturb their entire reality
[10:08:34 PM] And fukc up their world
[10:08:34 PM] ?
[10:08:35 PM] Sigh. No games ;/
[10:08:40 PM] NO
[10:08:42 PM] Any games on bw?
[10:08:43 PM] ..
[10:08:46 PM] jesus newbie
[10:08:47 PM] and i'm not!
[10:08:50 PM] a few
[10:08:52 PM] quit contradicting yourself
[10:09:01 PM] this is a new profile
[10:09:02 PM] youre saying we should save them
[10:09:06 PM] but we cant disturb their world?
[10:09:21 PM] thats like nuking a country without killing anyone
[10:09:23 PM] gogo.
[10:09:27 PM] go ahead and try?
[10:09:42 PM] no, im saying we should save them, but do it as well as we can, and care for them.
[10:09:49 PM] dude
[10:09:51 PM] I'll give it a try
[10:09:52 PM] oO?
[10:09:54 PM] How much you paying
[10:09:54 PM] ?
[10:09:56 PM] nuking.
[10:09:57 PM] obviously the people cared for everyone else
[10:10:04 PM] or they wouldnt be poutside the matrix
[10:10:15 PM] this has nothing like nuking involved.
[10:10:19 PM] all those people wouldve have sacrificed themselves
[10:10:27 PM] nm
[10:10:28 PM] tt
[10:10:30 PM] i give up
[10:10:33 PM] youre fuking stupid
[10:10:45 PM] but, something the matrix doesnt have is heaven and hell.
[10:10:47 PM] go back
[10:10:50 PM] to your fan club
[10:10:53 PM] and ill pretend
[10:10:55 PM] i care
[10:10:56 PM] ok?
[10:11:02 PM] hes been argueing with everyone in here for like 2 1/2 hours about the same -.-
[10:11:06 PM] would you let anyone be sent to hell is you had the choice?
[10:11:09 PM] hes a fuking moron
[10:11:12 PM] that prove in itself that hes a moron
[10:11:16 PM] JesusFreak
[10:11:17 PM] proves*
[10:11:21 PM] JesusFreek
[10:11:27 PM] i am sorry.
[10:11:27 PM] When you go to heaven
[10:11:28 PM] why would god punish them for something they didnt even know existed?
[10:11:32 PM] Tell JC I said props for bein the first pimp
[10:11:42 PM] i am sorry i cant be whatever you want me too.
[10:11:52 PM] JesusFreek
[10:11:55 PM] why would he?
[10:12:00 PM] he wouldnt.
[10:12:05 PM] then why bring it up?
[10:12:11 PM] please make a point
[10:12:14 PM] or shut the fuk up
[10:12:26 PM] but tell me do you know anyone who hasnt sinned, ever?
[10:12:34 PM] ok and it matters?
[10:12:40 PM] if i dont know its a sin
[10:12:40 PM] do you?
[10:12:45 PM] why should i be punished?
[10:12:46 PM] hola
[10:12:48 PM] 1vs1
[10:12:57 PM] hat
[10:13:03 PM] name something bad you've done.
[10:13:10 PM] answer my question
[10:13:11 PM] anything.
[10:13:12 PM] no blondie i love u
[10:13:20 PM] if i dont know its a sin
[10:13:23 PM] why should i be punished?
[10:13:39 PM] you just live avoid everything?
[10:13:41 PM] ok, lets say you are perfect.
[10:13:43 PM] omg
[10:13:45 PM] ...
[10:13:46 PM] ok?
[10:13:52 PM] lmfao
[10:13:53 PM] no
[10:14:01 PM] and you decide to make some creation.
[10:14:03 PM] answe my fuking question you waste of fuking semen
[10:14:12 PM] sigh
[10:14:15 PM] im go to sleep
[10:14:19 PM] have arguing with yourself
[10:14:19 PM] and you make it, and its really cool.
[10:14:41 PM] would you like it if that thing did something wrong?
[10:14:54 PM] what the fuk does it matter
[10:14:55 PM] could you stand it?
[10:15:01 PM] thats like punishing your child for saying something they heard without knowing its meaning
[10:15:06 PM] I got a good one for you though
[10:15:10 PM] or would you want to destroy it and start over?
[10:15:12 PM] It says God knows all that will be
[10:15:16 PM] And that means
[10:15:22 PM] God already knows you're going to heaven and hell
[10:15:31 PM] yes He does.
[10:15:33 PM] Since you've just been born
[10:15:33 PM] That means
[10:15:37 PM] Your fate is predetermined
[10:15:42 PM] So what's the point of telling anyone?
[10:15:48 PM] harhar
[10:15:49 PM] carl
[10:15:49 PM] hf
[10:15:50 PM] gn
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