I've been hearing this great street musician for a while now, but I didn't decide to buy his album until I heard this song which just made my commute home really wonderful. It sounded like some soundtrack's interlude.
The next time I saw him, I didn't have enough money. But yesterday, I had just taken some money out and I had a feeling he'd be in the station again. And there he was! Only $5 dollars.
He plays this electric classical guitar, where it's just an outline of a guitar body and some strings.
Matthew Nichols, playing his own compositions. The CD has 16 other songs that are classical guitar pieces. it's really very pretty.
I especially like
It Is Not There, but my favorite isn't on his website. It's only 1:42 long, but I listened to it repeatedly all day today. I think I'm going to use it as a soundtrack for a very short artsy movie.