testing, 1-2-3..

Mar 19, 2004 17:37

ok so i just posted, but i got this out of edenrose's journal and thought it was freakin awesome so here it goes.

1. Kissed your cousin: um lets see...how bout NOT
2. Ran away: no way man
3. Pictured your crush naked: no.
5. Broken someone's heart: i dont think so.
6. Been in love: i thought it was love, but twas not. twas merely a fantasy.
7. Cried when someone Died: yes...a lot :(
8. Wanted someone: indeed.
9. Broken a bone: nope...i have a broken record. *haha get my corny little joke?*
11. Lied: yes. and if you say no to this question, then youre lying, so give it up ya'll.
12. Cried in school: yeah

13. Coke or Pepsi: i like both, but coke has a nice zing to it. BUT DR. PEPPER ROCKS MY SOCKS!
14. Sprite or 7UP: 7up and grape juice i think...its this realy good stuff that aunt shelby makes.
15. Girls or Guys: Guys of course.
21. Tall or Short: well most people are taller than me anyways.
22. Pants or Shorts: shorts in summer. jeans in winter *and in school cuz my shorts dont reach the requirement*

23. What do you notice first: if theyre blonde and if they have muscles.
24. Last person you slow danced with: never have. kinda sad and pathetic, when you think about it.
25. Worst Question To Ask: dude, what happened to your hair? you look like a little girl

26. Showered: last night some time.
27. Taken a bath: today.
28. Changed Clothes: when i went to the grocery store with pops.

29. Your Good Luck Charm: nothing.
30. The Person You Hate Most: i DISLIKE this one dude a lot. and no its no who you think it is because only like, one of you even knows the dude's name.
31. The Best Thing That Has Happened to You this year: having the most awesomest CD ever...RELIENT K-- two lefts dont make a right...but three do!!
32. Your Favorite Color: pink, no doubt.
33. Your Favorite Movie: Monty Python and the Holy Grail is up there...along with Mr. Deeds...Toy Story is awesome...
35. Your Favorite Juice: grape. or cranberry.
36. Your Favorite Finger: my pinky and my ring finger.
37. Your Favorite Ice Cream: chocolate. plain chocolate. although, chcolate syrup is good, and so are ice cram sundaes.

39. Your Favorite Season: Summer and spring
40. Your Favorite Breakfast Food: Bacon. I mean, I do feel sorry for the pigs, but they certainly are tasty, wouldnt you agree?

43. Makes you laugh the most: Kelly.
44. Makes you smile: Kelly.
45. Can make you feel better no matter what: Kelly.
46. Has A Crush On You: i'm not sure, but I know its not Kelly.
47. Do You Have A Crush On Someone: ha, thats funny. you really think im going to tell you? but yes i do have a crush on someone.
48. Has it easier?: cameron because he never has ANY HOMEWORK!!

50. Sit by the phone waiting for a phone call all night: no.

51. Save AOL conversations: no.
52. Save E-mails: no
53. Wish you were someone else: yeah, but i'm me, so i gotta stick with it.
54. Wish you were a member of the opposite sex: yes. i mean, it may seem weird, but guys dont go through with all the emotional junk thats girls gotta go through and they can be slobs with their only excuse being 'im a guy, whatd you expect?
56. Cologne: cameron's. he smells really good.
57. Perfume: something that i have. not sure what.
58. Kiss: never had one. again, a bit sad and pathetic.
59. Romantic memory: well, there was that one time with EdenRose...lol just kidding.

62. Made out with JUST a friend?: no, ew.
63. Been rejected: it depends on if you mean a breakup or just me asking some dude out and him saying no. if its the first, then yes. if its the second, then no.
64. Been in love?: didnt i already answer this one?
65. Been in lust?: how bout...not.
66. Used someone?: no.
69. Been cheated on?: nope. at least, not of my knowledge.
70. Been kissed?: no. that is under the assumption that relatives dont count.
71. Done something you regret?: plenty of times.

72. You touched?: i dunno. i cant remember.
73. You talked to?: Pops.
74. You hugged?: Kelly!
75. You instant messaged?: James and Chelsea
76. You kissed?: i dunno. i cant remember. again...maybe this is a pattern.
77. You had sex with?: nobody. ew thats gross if youre not married.
78. You yelled at?: andrew willis.
80. Who broke your heart?: i dunno. i cant...wait a sec. i cant THINK OF ANYONE. ha.
81. Who told you they loved you?: mom and dad.

82. Color your hair?: no, my blonde hair is beautiful it doesnt need it!! haha j/k
83. Have tattoos?: no. itd freak mi madre out.
84. Have piercings below the waist?: no.
85. Have a boyfriend/girlfriend/both?: nope.
86. Own a webcam?: nah.
87. Own a thong?: definitely not.
88. Ever get off the computer?: if i didnt i wouldnt have much of a social life. oh wait i forgot, i dont have a social life...hmm
89. Sprechen Sie Deutsch?: um...im not sure what that is, but i'm gonna say no because its proly something gross.
90. Habla espanol?: Si, pero no mucha.
91. Quack?: um. why are you asking all these weird questions?

92. Stolen anything over $50?: no
93. Smoke?: no that fills your lungs with black sticky junk and makes you have bad breath and makes you all wrinkly.
94. Schizophrenic?: no, of course not, now why would you think tha- AH THERES A MONSTER ATTACKING ME! HELP HELP HELP!
95. Obsessive?: no.
96. Compulsive?: no.
97. Obsessive Compulsive?: no + no = NO!!
98. Panic? nope.
99. Anxiety?: i guess not.
100. Depressed?: not right now.
101. Suicidal?: no. why would i want to kill myself? i mean, lets face it, I'M FREAKIN AWESOME!! lol.
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