Meme of Procrastination

May 16, 2010 23:35

I could tag people, but I'm not positive I even know eight people on LJ that haven't already been tagged. Was tagged by greenconverses. Here we go.

001. What songs are you currently addicted to?

"Us" by Regina Spektor and "Naturally" by Selena Gomez. Weird combination.

002. What are you currently reading?

"Devilish" by Maureen Johnson, "Cybele's Secret" by Juliet Marillier, and "Midnight Blue" by Pauline Fisk. First two are a part of my summer reading list, last one is a random pick off of the library shelf.

003. What was the last movie you saw?

I watched 500 Days of Summer with one of my friends who is moving down to Texas. I love that movie. It's a perfect summer flick.

004. What makes you angriest/most frustrated right now?

It's frustrating that I'm back at home and there's nowhere within walking distance. I don't have the car every day, so the days I don't, it's like being trapped at home. It's also frustrating that I can't see my college friends anymore, and there's nothing to do at night in this town, because there's a vacuum of young people. It's frustrating that I have to make plans with people to see them rather than just walking down the hall or across campus and showing up outside their door.

005. Favourite book and why?

I'm sorry, I can't just pick one. I would say, PJO, Chronicles of Narnia, and it's a tie between Spinners and Zel, both by Donna Jo Napoli. PJO is obvious. If I didn't love it so much, I wouldn't have spent the last year and a half writing fan fiction for it (my fandoms are always things I love enough to revisit over and over again). Chronicles of Narnia is my go-to childhood favorite series. I love practically every character and I love the whole freakin' world that it's in. I love Aslan. I just love everything about it. Donna Jo Napoli is my favorite author. Spinners and Zel were among the first of her books that I've read. I pimp her out on my blog all of the time because I adore her writing.

006. What are your current addictions?

Coffee drinks. This is a perpetual addiction and not just a current one. Trying as hard as possible to not sound shallow: buying make-up. I'm a girly girl. I like playing with make-up. So sue me.

007. What's your favorite t-shirt?

My AAA (Asian American Association) fashion show shirt. It's soft and comfortable and if I pair it with skinny jeans and strappy sandals, it kind of looks like a real outfit and not like I'm just wearing a t-shirt.

008. Something about you that most people don't know. Extra points if it's interesting.

I really, really hated freshman year of college. I loved my high school, loved every minute of it, and it was a big transition for me to go from a 600-person high school to a 40,000-person university, especially since it was my safety school and not my dream school. It was hard to make friends because there were so many people, I just felt totally anonymous. Besides, I had been a big music person in HS, did every activity feasible, and at my university, I didn't get into the marching band. I was a pretty damn good flute player, but the marching band only took piccolos. I couldn't master the range in time. It kind of crushed my dreams, not going to lie. Basically, I felt pretty lost.

But then, because I had nothing to do, I started writing again, wrote my first novel, got back into fan fiction, even completed NaNoWriMo. I don't know if that helped me get my confidence back or what, but sophomore year has been awesome. I started working at our independent student newspaper, and in the spring, I got promoted to copy chief. My co-workers are the most amazing people ever and I adore them. I joined a fashion show and started dancing hip hop, and even though I'm 40000 miles away from being good, I found a wonderful group of friends with these AAA people.

It's been the biggest blessing of my life to try these new things. I was never into journalism or dancing or runway or any of that stuff. And I love it, because I am a big people person, and being a loner freshman year sucked balls. I guess it's strange how these things work out, but getting rejected to those Ivy League schools may have been one of the best things to happen to me, because I learned that I can adapt to un-ideal situations and still come out with a great group of friends and new interests. I'm so glad I didn't transfer. I just want people to go out of their comfort zones freshman year and get out there as soon as possible, because college is such an amazing time, it really is.

009. What was the last thing you bought? eyeshadow. IT'S PRETTY, THOUGH, AND IT WAS MY MONEY.

And a white mocha frappucino from Starbucks.

010. Do you have more friends online or off?

Off, for sure. I'm not hugely into the online fandom. I pretty much post my stories and that's it. The only person I would consider my online friend is greenconverses, and she is awesome and one day we are going to have joint author events together, I swear.

I don't have real life friends who write, even though my real life friends are very supportive of my writing.

011. Something that made you laugh today.

Pretty much the entire convo with Jess, but particularly this little gem:

greenconverses: I feel kind of bad for bella in this universe because, damn, ugly ass ring she has to wear for eternity.
from_elysium: yeah, i'd be resisting marriage too if that was the ring i had to sport.
greenconverses: I mean, could you imagine trying to hawk that ring in some point in time?
from_elysium: but nbd, she could've just demanded one from tiffany's and the entire cullen family would be tripping over themselves to satisfy her every whim.
greenconverses : "Where's your ring, Bella?" ..."Uh, Emmett ate it."

Also, my brother and I sang Jason DeRulo in the garage today while unpacking my college stuff. At the top of our lungs. Okay, really, it was me, and he was telling me to shut up, but I like to think of it as quality sibling bonding time.

012. Favorite non-alcoholic beverage?


013. What was the last thing you ate?

Chinese food. As in, food my mother made. And I'm not going to try to explain it.

014. What are your current favorite pairings?

Um, duh. Percy/Annabeth. Forever and always.

015. Favorite website?

Blogger. Sorry, LJ.

016. What are your plans for tomorrow?

Writing. Reading. Maybe going swimsuit shopping because I have the car. If the weather is nice, maybe bike-riding with a friend or something.

017. What kind of music is contained in your hard drive?

A lot of everything, and some stuff I would be too embarrassed to admit - holy shit, I think I just heard a werewolf outside my window? - scary night sounds.

018. Favorite color?

Green. Has always been green, except for a short amount of time in my childhood when I changed it to blue because I liked Blue's Clues.

019. Pet peeve?

Non-hygenic college boys. I always sit next to someone in lecture who smells like they have yet to learn the meaning of shower, and I'm too polite to get up and move. Or it's during a test, that's the worst. I always sit next to weird people. During my astronomy final, some guy next to me turned to me and was like, "Were you in History 255?" Um, yes I was and that was also two semesters ago, AND it was a 200-person lecture. I was not the only Asian. Should I be flattered or freaked out? He seemed nice enough. Still kind of weird. At least he smelled normal.
020. Guilty pleasure?

Let me just put down this conversation to explain my guilty pleasure better.

from_elysium: guilty pleasure. hmmm. i don't read romance novels and i can't think of anything else. last question, goddammit.
greenconverses: some trashy tv show you watch?
from_elysium: PHINEAS AND FERB? haha, that is totally not trashy. but everyone laughs at me. i don't care. it's a good show
greenconverses: I LOVE THAT SHOW.
from_elysium: OKAY GOOD.
from_elysium: i feel less self-conscious now. 
from_elysium: i love phineas. like, if he weren't ten, i'd have a crush on him.
greenconverses : maybe that's your guilty pleasure HA.
from_elysium: pedophilia is not my guilty pleasure.

And that pretty much explains it. 
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