A splendid present!

Jan 19, 2010 13:17

My old friend ggreig sent me a splendid present yesterday: a 12"x16" print of Couder's painting Notre Dame de Paris. The original is in the Maison Victor Hugo in Paris. At the top we have Vic, Oliver Le Daim and Louis XI. The central section is Claude stabbing Phœbus. On either side, in the long narrow panels: the Truands attack Notre Dame, and Claude falls to his death (complete with gawping, pointing bystanders). At the bottom, we have scenes with Pâquette and Esméralda, and I'm not sure if the middle bottom scene is Quasimodo watching over the sleeping Esméralda, or is meant to be in the vault at Montfaucon.

(x-post to hond and les_sanspapiers)


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