May 21, 2009 11:58
WEwewewewewewe accident accident.. yes. haha! in highschool i dated this guy who loved his mustang cobra. he'd race it around all the time, and see how fast he could make it down the quarter mile strip.. one night we were hanging out while he changed his oil... and afterwards he wanted to go for a 'test run' for a him and i and his friend jump in the car -he takes us to Sams Club, where he starts revvin' his engine then guns it from one end of the store to the other.....misjudges the turn and we jump the curb - take out a baby tree - and drive under the metal fence to the other side where the exit ramps are for the no one was hurt, thank god, except mustang sally..she was scratched from head to toe. i dont remember much on how we go tthe car back on the right side of the fence...but we got my blazer, to load up the baby tree and get rid of it.. and pushed the fence back down. to this day, when i pass that part of down on the highway, you can see there's a smaller tree than the others growing from where they bought a new tree to go :D
writer's block