Ready for the sperm bank (I'll explain in a sec).

Sep 09, 2010 15:50

Thanks so much to those of you who sent birthday wishes yesterday! It definitely made the day brighter, which is good, because it turned out to be one of those days when just... everything that can go wrong, does? Nothing overwhelmingly horrible; more of a traffic jams, cell-phone going off at inopportune times, the place we wanted to go to celebrate has a $24 per person minimum in the bar on a Wednesday, and not everyone wanted to spend that much kind of day. [I also continued my apparent tradition of frakking up the galacticanews update on my birthday, though less spectacularly than last year. *g*] It was still really fun, all things considered, just frazzling! I think it's that it was the first year since 21 that I've really wanted to be festive on my birthday, and that's because somehow when I was a little girl, I got it into my head that if I didn't have any kids by the time I turned X, I would head off to a sperm bank because I would be "too old to get married." I have no idea how I got this into my head, since I didn't even know what sperm was in those days, or what it would be doing at a bank - I think I'd seen a Lifetime movie or something - but this was my LIFE PLAN. Well, yesterday I turned X. And while I'm less rigid in my thinking about such things than I was in second grade, it still feels like a significant birthday somehow. ;) And I wanted it to Go Well and for all my friends to Have a Good Time, so it was slightly frustrating- but then on my way home I opened up my fortune cookie, which read "Maturity means accepting imperfections," (or something like that), so that kind of made it all better. :))

And of course I'm still coming down from my post-Dragon*Con high. Not much to report in the way of panels- I managed to miss all the scandal: TWO actor-flounces and Aaron Douglas taking it Way Too Personally, but I was there for a lot of rambling about the UN and Blade Runner. ;) I also managed to miss Rekha Sharma three times: twice at the walk of fame and once at a panel she was supposed to be at with Morena Baccarin, who was fortunately entertaining enough for several people. I had really wanted to meet Rekha since I've heard she's so nice, so that was a little disappointing. But more than made up for by the amazing time I had hanging out with fellow fangirls. <333 I roomed with nicole_anell, emmiere, and ivanolix (whom I was meeting for the first time, but whom I managed to recognize first in the airport from her Chicago-Con pictures, only to begin grinning and waving madly at her before I remembered that she had no idea what I looked like. Heh. ) This meant lots of squeeing and great conversations and "oh look, it's 5 a.m." moments, and I think I actually fell asleep mid-sentence at one point, and it was great. :D I also got to hang out with (and in some cases meet for the first time) havocthecat, her husband Mr. Havoc, bluediamond421, amidala_thrace [whom I did not get to spend nearly enough time with due to a cursed paper due on Labor Day], leiascully [Cylons forever!] wisteria_, greycoupon and of course the lovely and talented birthday girl lyssie. Also more people whose LJ names I'm blanking on, but who were likewise awesome! Most of these people have already written more entertaining and detailed con reports, so I'll just point you to them for now if you're interested. ;) I will hopefully write more on Dragon*Con at some point in the near future, though now I should really get a start on all the work I no longer have an excuse to put off. Ah, real life.

personal, dragon con!

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