1. I'm loving the hell out of this fabulously entertaining
BSG/Star Trek reboot crossover. After Kara disappears in Maelstrom, she finds herself picked up by the USS Enterprise, a few years (I'm assuming) after the events of the movie. Great relationships between her and Kirk and McCoy, great clash of worldview between the two universes. Also, she kicks ass in a viper. :D
rose_griffes wrote
The definitive Mormon commentary on Twilight (part 1) , a snarky, funny and informative reference for those wondering if Edward Cullen really is a spiritual leader. ;)
3. I'm completely in awe of
this vid, by
dualbunny, which actually manages to make the Bionic Woman series completely awesome. You don't need to have endured seen the show to appreciate it; it's a completely awesome Sarah-Jaime girlpower/angst vid without it, but it might help to truly appreciate the miracle. ;)